INDICE: ACKNOWLEDGMENTS.PREFACE - Peter Brandon.PART I THE CONTEXT FOR INNOVATION .What is the Broader Context within which Clients Operate?.Chapter 1 A global agenda for revaluing construction: the clients role - Peter Barrett.Chapter 2 Revaluing construction: implications for the construction process - Graham M Winch.Chapter 3 Is the client really part of the team? A contemporary policy perspective on Latham / Egan - John Hobson and Kenneth Treadaway.What is the Position of Clients within the Development Process?.Chapter 4 Enabling clients to be professional - Roger Courtney.Chapter 5 Challenging the illusion ofthe all powerful clients role in driving innovation - Martin Sexton, Carl Abbott and Shu-Ling Lu.Chapter 6 Reifying the client in construction management research? Alternative perspectives on a complex construct - Mike Bresnen.Chapter 7 A proposed taxonomy for construction clients - Patricia Tzortzopoulos, Mike Kagioglou and Kenneth Treadaway.What are the Clients Roles and Responsibilities in Driving Innovation?.Chapter 8 Clients roles and contributions to innovations in the construction industry: when giants learn to dance - Charles Egbu.Chapter 9 Setting the game plan: the role of clients in construction innovation and diffusion - Kristian Widén, Brian Atkin and Leif Hommen.Chapter 10 Clients as innovation drivers in large engineering projects - Roger Miller.Chapter 11 Knowing differently, innovating together? Exploring the dynamics of knowledge creation across boundaries in clients design teams - Patrick S. W. Fong.Chapter 12 The role of the client in the innovation processes of small construction professional service firms - Shu-Ling Lu.Chapter 13 Client-oriented contractor innovation - Jan Bröchner.What are the Appropriate Tools and Barriers to the Implementation of Innovation Practices?.Chapter 14 Driving innovation in construction: a conceptual model of client leadership behaviour - Mohammed F. Dulaimi.Chapter 15 Critical actions by clients for effective development and implementation of construction innovations - E. Sarah Slaughter and William L. Cate.PART II THE INNOVATION PROCESS .Chapter 16 Overcoming resistance to innovation: the integration champion in construction - Andreas Hartmann.Chapter 17 Client-driven innovation through a requirements-oriented project process - John M. Kamara.Chapter 18 Knowledge management supports clients driving innovation:two case studies - Marja Naaranoja, Päivi Haapalainen and Heikki Lonka.Chapter 19 Implementing innovations in infrastructures for the built environment: the role of project developers, customers and users - Marcela Miozzo and Nuno Gil.PART III MOVING IDEAS INTO PRACTICE .What are the Policy Issues in Moving Ideas into Practice?.Chapter 20 Client driven performance improvement strategiesfor the construction industry: development and implementation challenges - Aminah Robinson Fayek, Jeff H. Rankin and Ernie Tromposch.Chapter 21 Public policy, clients and the construction industry - Eileen Fairhurst.Chapter 22 Value for money versus complexity: a battle of giants in the public sector? - Erica Dyson.How do Clients Move Ideas into Practice?.Chapter 23 The role of the professional client in leading change: a case study of Stanhope plc - Colin Gray.Chapter 24 Customer focus: time, the enemy of desire - a contractor developer perspective - Chris Woods.Chapter 25 The role of the client in building site innovations - Frédéric Bougrain.Chapter 26 A complex systems approach to customer co-innovation: a financial services case study - Robert Kay
- ISBN: 978-1-4051-7566-1
- Editorial: Blackwell
- Encuadernacion: Cartoné
- Páginas: 296
- Fecha Publicación: 12/09/2008
- Nº Volúmenes: 1
- Idioma: Inglés