Intercultural communication research finds its roots primarily in anthropology, psychology, and sociology. However, many intercultural communication scholars draw mostly from a relatively recent body of work. Intercultural Communication represents both the classic works that set the foundation for the field aswell as the more recent influential works. The volumes examine a wider and more interdisciplinary range of literature that has influenced this field. Volume I includes writings that provide the foundation for the emergent study of intercultural communication. The literature in this volume represents foundational works on culture and communication related to social structure, role, worldview, meaning, interaction, and exchange. Although intercultural communication researchers use a variety of theories from various fields of study, in all only about 20 theories are associated specifically with intercultural communication; Volume II provides the most informative research related to these theories. Volume III covers literature related to both established and emerging methodological approaches for studying intercultural communication. Volume IV looks at the factors that affect how cultures' communicate and diffuse informationacross cultural boundaries. These factors include urbanization; immigration; availability of media and transportation systems; and religious and ethnic identities. INDICE: VOLUME 1: STRUCTURAL AND IDEATIONAL FOUNDATIONS / Structural Influences / D.F. Aberle, A.K. Cohen, A.K. Davis, M.J. Levy Jr., and F.X. Sutton The Functional Prerequisites of a Society / Margaret S. Clark and Judson Mills The Difference Between Communal and Exchange Relationships: What it is and is not / Judson Mills and Margaret S. Clark Communal and Exchange Relationships / Alexandra Maryanski and Jonathan Turner Functionalism and Structuralism / Emile Durkheim Suicide: A study in sociology / Charles Morris Instruments, Data, Values / Jerald Hage and Gerald Marwell Toward the Development of an Empirically Based Theory of Role Relationships / Warren O. Hagstrom What is the Meaning of Santa Claus? / Bibb Latané Dynamic Social Impact: The creation of culture by communication / Robert L. Munroe Social Structure and Sex-role Choices AmongChildren in Four Cultures / John W. Riley, Jr., and Matilda White Riley Sociology: An approach to human communication / Evert van de Vliert, Xu Huang, and Robert V. Levine National Wealth and Thermal Climate as Predictors of Motives for Volunteer Work / Max Weber Origin of Modern Capitalism / J. Woelfel, and E.L Fink The Measurement of Communication Processes: Galileo theory and method / William B. Gudykunst Cross-cultural Comparisons / Evolutionary Influences / Robin Dunbar Of Brains and Groups and Evolution / Satoshi Kanazawa Where do Cultures Come From? / Alan S. Miller and Satoahsi Kanazawa What is Evolutionary Theory? / Wendy Wood and Alice H. Eagly A Cross-cultural Analysis of the Behavior of Women and Men: Implications for the origins of sex differences / VOLUME2: STUDYING INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION / How to Study Intercultural Communication / J.W. Berry Imposed Etics-emics-derived Etics: The operationalization of a compelling idea / Donal Carbaugh and Sally O. Hastings A Role for Communication Theory in Ethnography and Cultural Analysis / Robert J. Janosik Rethinking the Culture-negotiation Link / Paul F. Lazarsfeld and Herbert Menzel On theRelation Between Individual and Collective Properties / Kwok Leung Cross-cultural Differences: Individual-level vs. culture-level analysis / Judith H. Martin and Thomas K. Nakayama Thinking Dialectically About Culture and Communication / Methods for Studying Intercultural Communication / Richard W. Brislin Comparative Research Methodology: Cross-cultural studies / Edward Fink, Deborah A. Cai and Qi Wang Quantitative Methods for Conflict Communication Research, with Special Reference to Culture / William B. Gudykunst Issues in Cross-cultural Communication Research / J. David Johnson and Frank Tuttle Problems in Intercultural Research / Manford H. Kuhn and Thomas S. McPartland An Empirical Investigation of Self-attitudes / Charles E. Osgood Cross-cultural Comparability in the Measurement of Meaning / Values Used to Study Intercultural Communication / Individualism and Collectivism / Chinese Culture Connection Chinese Valuesand the Search for Culture-free Dimensions of Culture / Alan Page Fiske UsingIndividualism and Collectivism to Compare Cultures: A critique of the validity and measurement of the constructs: Comment on Oyserman et al. (2002) / Deborah A. Cai and Edward L. Fink Conflict Styles Differences Between Individualists and Collectivists / Self-Construals / Hazel Rose Markus and Shinobu KitayamaCulture and the Self: Implications for cognition, emotion, and motivation / Hazel Rose Markus and Shinobu Kitayama The Cultural Psychology of Personality /Timothy R. Levine, Mary Jiang Bresnahan, Hee Sun Park, Maria Knight Lapinski,Gwen M. Wittenbaum, Sachiyo Morinaga Shearman, Sun Young Lee, Donghun Chung &Rie Ohashi Self-construal Scales Lack Validity / Cognition / Richard E. Nisbett, Kaiping Peng, Incheol Choi and Ara Norenzayan Culture and Systems of Thought: Holistic versus analytic cognition / Ara Norenzayan, Edward E. Smith, BeomJun Kim and Richard E. Nisbett Cultural Preferences for Formal Versus Intuitive Reasoning / Cookie White Stephan and Walter G. Stephan Cognition and Affectin Cross-cultural Relations / VOLUME 3: THE PERSON AND CULTURE / Emotions / Hilager A. Elfenbein and Nalini Amberdy Universals and Cultural Differences in Recognizing Emotions / David Matsumoto, Brenda Franklin, Jung-Wook Choi, DavidRogers and Haruyo Tatani Cultural Influences on the Expression and Perceptionof Emotion / Steve Mortenson, Meina Liu, Brant R. Burleson and Yan Liu A Fluency of Feeling: Exploring cultural and individual differences (and similarities) related to skilled emotional support / B. Language / Benjamin Lee Whorf Language, Thought, and Reality / George A. Barnett, Mark T. Palmer and Hana Noor Al-Deen Translation Accuracy: Using multidimensional scaling / Li-Jun Ji, Zhiyong Zhang and Richard E. Nisbett Is it Culture or is it Language? Examination of language effects in cross-cultural research on categorization / Susan L. Kline, Brian Horton, and Shuangyue Zhang Communicating Love: Comparisons betweenAmericans and East Asian university students / Cecilio Lapresta and Angel Huguet A Model of Relationship Between Collective Identity and Language in Pluricultural and Plurilingual Settings: Influence on intercultural relations / Lai-Yin Lau and Rob Ranyard Chinese and English Probabilistic Thinking and Risk Taking in Gambling / C. Argument / Basil Hatim Argumentative Style Across Cultures: Linguistic form as the realization of rhetorical function / Barbara Johnstone Linguistic Strategies and Cultural Styles for Persuasive Discourse / GreggB. Walker Cultural Orientations of Argument in International Disputes: Negotiating the Law of the Sea / Linda Wai Ling Young Inscrutibility Revisted / Conflict / Jacob Bercovitch and Ole Elgstöm Culture and International Mediation: Exploring theoretical and empirical linkages / Nimet Beriker-Atiyas and Tijen Demirel-Pegg An Analysis of Integrative Outcomes in the Dayton Peace Negotiations / Raymond Cohen Language and Conflict Resolution: The limits of English / Dania A. Dialdin and James A. Wall, Jr. Third Parties and Culture / Negotiation/ Jeanne M. Brett Culture and Negotiation / Deborah A. Cai, Steven R. Wilson and Laura E. Drake Culture in Context: Individualismllectivism, negotiator role, framing, and paths to integrative agreements / Paul J. Taylor A CylindricalModel of Communication Behavior in Crisis Negotiations / Trust / Deborah A. Cai and Chun-Ju Hung Whom Do You Trust? A cross-cultural comparison / Anu Realo, J ri Allik and Brenna Greenfield Radius of Trust: Social capital in relationto familism and institutional collectivism / Ali M. Ahmed and Osvaldo Salas Trust in India and Sweden: An experimental examination of the Fukuyama conjecture / VOLUME 4: MANAGING INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION / Adaptation / George A. Barnett and D. Lawrence Kincaid A Mathematical Theory of Cultural Convergence /Pawel Boski Five Meanings of Integration in Acculturation Research / Suman Lee Somewhere in the Middle: The measurement of third culture / Kalervo Oberg Cultural Shock: Adjustment to new cultural environments / Michael Winkelman Culture Shock and Adaptation / B. Anxiety Uncertainty Management / William B. Gudykunst and Tsukasa Nishida Anxiety, Uncertainty, and Perceived Effectiveness ofCommunication across Relationships and Cultures / Patricia M. Duronto, Tsukasa Nishida and Shin-Ichi Nakayama Uncertainty, Anxiety, and Avoidance in Communication with Strangers / C. Communicating Identity / Horace Miner Body Ritual Among the Nacirema / Robert L. Munroe Reflection of Women's Status in Speech Frequency: A Four-culture Study / Gerry Philipsen Speaking "Like a Man" in Teamsterville: Cultural patterns of role enactment in an urban neighborhood / D. Communication Accommodation Theory / Cynthia Gallois, Howard Giles, Elizabeth Jones, Aaron C. Cargile and Hiroshi Ota Accommodating Intercultural Encounters:Elaborations and extensions / E. Communication Competence / Andrew L. Molinsky, Mary Anne Krabbenhoft, Nalini Ambady and Y. Susan Choi Cracking the Nonverbal Code: Intercultural competence and gesture recognition across cultures / Richard L. Wiseman, Mitchell R. Hammer & Hiroko Nishida Predictors of Intercultural Communication Competence / F. Conversational Constraints / Min-Sun Kim Toward a Theory of Conversational Constraints: Focusing on individual dimensions of culture / Expectancy Violations / Judee K. Burgoon Cross-cultural and Intercultural Applications of Expectancy Violations Theory / Facework / Victoria Chen "Mien tze" at the Chinese Dinner Table: A study of the interactional accomplishment of face / Rebecca Merkin Power Distance and Facework Strategies / John G. Oetzel and Stella Ting-Toomey Face Concerns in Interpersonal Conflict: A cross-cultural empirical test of the face negotiation theory / Development Communication / Young Yun Kim Inquiry in Intercultural and Development Communication / E.M. Rogers, P.W. Vaughan, R.M.A. Swalehe, N. Rao, P.J. Svenkerud, and S. Sood Effects of an Entertainment-education Radio Soap Opera on Family Planning Behavior in Tanzania / Intergroup relations / Michael Harris Bond Intergroup Relations in Hong Kong: The Tao of stability / Thomas F. Pettigrew NormativeTheory in Intergroup Relations: Explaining both harmony and conflict / ThomasF. Pettigrew Future Directions for Intergroup Contact Theory and Research
- ISBN: 978-1-84860-120-8
- Editorial: Sage
- Encuadernacion: Cartoné
- Páginas: 1696
- Fecha Publicación: 01/11/2009
- Nº Volúmenes: 4
- Idioma: Inglés