Education for sustainable development: papers in honour of the United Nations decade of education for sustainable development (2005-2014)

Education for sustainable development: papers in honour of the United Nations decade of education for sustainable development (2005-2014)

Chalkley, Brian

113,03 €(IVA inc.)

In 2005, The United Nations launched its Decade of Education for Sustainable Development, which recognises that education, including Higher Education is the key to the change in social attitudes that will be needed to protect the welfare of future generations. This involves helping learners to live as though the future matters and to achieve ecoliteracy. This includes the understanding that personal lifestyle decisions may have consequences, ranging from climate change, through loss of biodiversity, to pollution and resource depletion thatmay permit environmental degradation on a planetary scale. It also involves helping them to develop the skills needed to cope with such challenges.This international collection of research papers and position statements from special issues of the "Journal of Geography in Higher Education" and "Applied Environmental Education and Communication", written by many of the leading practitioners in the field, aims to provide resources and practical guidance for all seeking to promote and engage in education for a sustainable future. Rabindranath Tagore encouraged each learner to make their actions demonstrate a harmonious union between education and environment. David Orr argued that the world needspeople who live well in their places to make the world both habitable and humane and that the main challenge for education is to help learners make their minds fit for life on Earth. This book tries to chart a practical route towardsthese objectives. This book was previously published as special issues of the"Journal of Geography in Higher Education" and "Applied Environmental Education and Communication". INDICE: INTRODUCTIONApproaching the UN Decade of Education for SustainableDevelopment: Prospects and Challenges David HiggittSECTION 11.1 Educating Earth-literate leaders Stephen Martin and Rolf Jucker1.2 Greening the University Curriculum: Appraising an International Movement Martin Haigh1.3 EnvironmentalEducation for Sustainable Development in Russia N.S. Kasimov, S.M. Malkhazovaand E.P. Romanova1.4 An Environmental Education Concept for Galtur, Austria Angela Michiko Hama, Michael Seitz, Anja Sansone and Johann Stotter1.5 Sustainability, Systems Thinking and Professional Practice Stephen Martin, James Brannigan and Annie Hall1.6 Environmental Research and Education in US Geography Robert S. Bednarz1.7 Finding Space for Education for Sustainable Development in the Enterprise Economy David Higgitt1.8 Cultural Assumptions against Sustainability: An International Survey Barbara Gambini1.9 A Due Diligence Report on New Zealand's Educational Contribution to the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development David Chapman, Mary Flaws and Richard Le Heron1.10 Sustainable Development within UK Higher Education: Revealing Tendencies and Tensions William Scott and Stephen Gough1.11 A Centre of Excellence in Education for Sustainable Development Alan Dyer, David Selby and Brian Chalkley1.12 Sustainability Education in Scotland: The Impact of National and International Initiativeson Teacher Education and Outdoor Education Peter Higgins and Gordon Kirk1.13 Promoting Environmental Education for Sustainable Development: The Value of Links between Higher Education and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) Martin J. Haigh1.14 The Firm and Shaky Ground of Education for Sustainable Development David SelbySECTION 22.1 The United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (2005-2014): Learning to Live Together Sustainably Bernard P.Y.Combes2.2 EE and ESD: Two Paradigms, One Crucial Goal Rosalyn McKeown and Chuck Hopkins2.3 Some Systems Thinking Concepts for Environmental Educators during the Decade of Education for Sustainable Development Jaimie P. Cloud2.4 Challenging a "Closing Circle": Alternative Research Agendas for the ESD Decade Lucie Sauve and Tom Berryman2.5 Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship-The UK Perspective Douglas Bourn2.6 Curriculum for the Bioregion: Learning to Live Sustainably in Our "Life Places" Jean MacGregor2.7 The Ahmedabad Declaration Mary Paden2.8 Argentina and Education for Sustainable Development Marta Andelman2.9 The Decade of Education for Sustainable Development: A Perspective from Australia Josephine R. Lang2.10 Is It Possible to Benefit from the Decade for Education for Sustainable Development? Ziole Zanotto Malhadas2.11 The Meaning of the DESD for Us in Japan: Three Years After Proposing it to the World Sachi Ninomiya-Lim2.12 The Eastern Africa Environmental Network and the Decade of Education for Sustainable Development George Malakwen2.13 Sustainable Development by Instinct, Challenges,and Opportunities in the Decade Gary Lim and Khaeril Zach Abdullah2.14 The Decade of Education for Sustainable Development: Challenges and Opportunities in Mexico Edgar Gonzalez-Gaudino2.15 Education for Sustainable Development in New Zealand Barry Law2.16 Embarking on the Decade for Sustainable Development: A Swaziland View Irma AllenPROSPECTIVEEmerging Opportunities in Education for Sustainable Development Brian Chalkley

  • ISBN: 978-0-415-46005-7
  • Editorial: Routledge
  • Encuadernacion: Rústica
  • Páginas: 320
  • Fecha Publicación: 20/11/2008
  • Nº Volúmenes: 1
  • Idioma: Inglés