This volume in the Diagnostic Pathology series is an ideal point-of-care resource for practitioners at all levels of experience and training. Covering the full range of solid organ transplantation (SOT) of the kidney, liver, heart, lung, pancreas, intestine, and more, it provides a current understanding of transplant immunology and pathology to help ensure accurate diagnosis for optimal clinical management. Richly illustrated and easy to use, Diagnostic Pathology: Transplant Pathology, third edition, is a visually stunning, one-stop reference for practicing pathologists, transplant practitioners, and students of organ transplantation. INDICE: SECTION 1: IMMUNOLOGY4 Immune Response in Organ TransplantationRoshini Sarah Abraham, PhD, D(ABMLI)8 Regulatory Immune Cells and Transplant ToleranceRoshini Sarah Abraham, PhD, D(ABMLI)14 Viral Infections and Immune ResponseRoshini Sarah Abraham, PhD, D(ABMLI)20 Genetics of Complement Defects Associated with Atypical HUS and TMARoshini Sarah Abraham, PhD, D(ABMLI)24 Laboratory-Based Immune Monitoring in Organ TransplantationSanya J. Thomas, MD and Roshini Sarah Abraham, PhD, D(ABMLI)30 Immune Manipulation and Accommodation: Introduction to Xenogenic TransplantationRoshini Sarah Abraham, PhD, D(ABMLI)34 Graft Vs. Host Disease in Solid Organ TransplantationRoshini Sarah Abraham, PhD, D(ABMLI) and Sanya J. Thomas, MDSECTION 2: HLA TESTING40 Human Leukocyte Antigen SystemManish J. Gandhi, MD42 Histocompatibility TestingManish J. Gandhi, MD44 Transplantation and HLAManish J. Gandhi, MD48 ABO Blood Group Antigens and TransplantationManish J. Gandhi, MD50 Apheresis and TransplantationManish J. Gandhi, MD52 HLA and TransfusionManish J. Gandhi, MDSECTION 3: IMMUNOSUPPRESSIVE DRUGS56 Mechanism of Action of Immunosuppressive DrugsLoralie Langman, PhD and Florian Lemaitre, PharmaD, PhD58 Therapeutic Drug Monitoring in Transplant PatientsLoralie Langman, PhD and Florian Lemaitre, PharmaD, PhD62 History of Immunosuppression Drugs in TransplantationLoralie Langman, PhD and Florian Lemaitre, PharmaD, PhDSECTION 4: KIDNEY TRANSPLANTATION66 History of Kidney TransplantationLynn D. Cornell, MD68 Pathologic Classification of Renal Allograft DiseasesRobert B. Colvin, MD70 Examination of End-Stage KidneyShane Meehan, MB, BCh76 Evaluation of the End-Stage KidneyShane Meehan, MB, BCh82 Evaluation of Allograft KidneyLynn D. Cornell, MD and Evan Farkash, MD, PhD88 Evaluation of Donor KidneyLynn D. Cornell, MD and Evan Farkash, MD, PhD94 Evaluation of Transplant NephrectomyShane Meehan, MB, BCh and Evan Farkash, MD, PhD98 Evaluation of FibrosisA. Brad Farris, III, MD, MBA102 Protocol BiopsiesLynn D. Cornell, MD and Evan Farkash, MD, PhD106 AccommodationLynn D. Cornell, MD108 ToleranceRobert B. Colvin, MDSURGICAL COMPLICATIONS 112 Acute Allograft IschemiaA. Brad Farris, III, MD, MBA116 Size Mismatch Allograft InjuryAnthony Chang, MD and Yael K. Heher, MD, MPH, FRCP(C)118 Urine LeakA. Brad Farris, III, MD, MBA119 LymphoceleA. Brad Farris, III, MD, MBA120 Multinucleated EndotheliopathyJonathan Zuckerman, MD, PhD124 Transplant Renal Artery StenosisA. Brad Farris, III, MD, MBA126 Tranplant Renal Artery or Vein ThrombosisA. Brad Farris, III, MD, MBA128 Kidney XenograftsIvy A. Rosales, MD132 Chronic Antibody-Mediated RejectionLynn D. Cornell, MD and Michael Mengel, MDALLOGRAF REJECTION144 Hyperacute RejectionLynn D. Cornell, MD and Michael Mengel, MD148 Acute T-Cell-Mediated RejectionLynn D. Cornell, MD and Michael Mengel, MD158 Chronic T-Cell-Mediated RejectionLynn D. Cornell, MD and Michael Mengel, MD162 Acute Antibody-Mediated RejectionLynn D. Cornell, MD and Michael Mengel, MD170 Transcript Analysis of Renal Transplant BiopsiesMichael Mengel, MD and R. Neal Smith, MD, PhDRECURRENT AND DE NOVO DISEASES174 Diseases That Recur in AllograftsAnthony Chang, MD, Lynn D. Cornell, MD, and R. Neal Smith, MD, PhD180 De Novo Focal Segmental GlomerulosclerosisAnthony Chang, MD and Astrid Weins, MD, PhD182 De Novo Membranous NephropathyAnthony Chang, MD186 Anti-GBM Disease in Alport SyndromeAnthony Chang, MD and R. Neal Smith, MD, PhD188 Chimerism Transition SyndromeA. Brad Farris, III, MD, MBA190 Late Posttransplant HistologyLynn D. Cornell, MDKIDNEY PATHOLOGY OF RECIPIENTS OF OTHER TRANSPLANTS192 Kidney Diseases in Nonrenal Transplant RecipientsRobert B. Colvin, MD196 Graft-vs.-Host GlomerulopathiesAnthony Chang, MD and Yael K. Heher, MD, MPH, FRCP(C)DRUG TOXICITIES198 Calcineurin Inhibitor ToxicityShane Meehan, MB, BCh204 mTOR Inhibitor ToxicityLynn D. Cornell, MDINFECTIONS206 Acute PyelonephritisNeeraja Kambham, MD214 Polyomavirus NephritisAnthony Chang, MD and Evan Farkash, MD, PhD222 Adenovirus InfectionAnthony Chang, MD and R. Neal Smith, MD, PhD224 Cytomegalovirus InfectionAnthony Chang, MD and R. Neal Smith, MD, PhD226 MucormycosisAnthony Chang, MD228 HistoplasmosisAnthony Chang, MD229 CandidiasisAnthony Chang, MD230 CryptococcosisAnthony Chang, MD231 AspergillosisAnthony Chang, MD232 CoccidioidomycosisAnthony Chang, MD233 ParacoccidioidomycosisAnthony Chang, MD234 MicrosporidiosisRobert B. Colvin, MD236 TuberculosisNeeraja Kambham, MD238 MalakoplakiaNeeraja Kambham, MD242 NocardiosisNeeraja Kambham, MDSECTION 5: LIVER TRANSPLANTATION246 Pathologic Classification of Liver Allograft DiseasesJohn Hart, MD and Lindsay Alpert, MD248 Gross Evaluation of Failed Native LiverJohn Hart, MD and Lindsay Alpert, MD252 Evaluation of Failed Liver AllograftJohn Hart, MD and Lindsay Alpert, MD254 Evaluation of the Donor LiverJohn Hart, MD258 History of Liver TransplantationAnthony Chang, MD and John Hart, MDPOSTTRANSPLANT SURGICAL COMPLICATIONS260 Preservation InjuryHanlin L. Wang, MD, PhD262 Hepatic Artery ThrombosisLisa Yerian, MD264 Portal Vein ThrombosisLisa Yerian, MD266 Bile Duct Stricture, Leak, Sludge, BilomaHanlin L. Wang, MD, PhD268 Hepatic Venous Outflow ObstructionHanlin L. Wang, MD, PhD272 Hyperperfusion SyndromeHanlin L. Wang, MD, PhDALLOGRAFT REJECTION274 T-Cell-Mediated Rejection, LiverLisa Yerian, MD278 Antibody-Mediated Rejection, LiverHanlin L. Wang, MD, PhD, Robert B. Colvin, MD, andRichard Masia, MD, PhD282 Chronic (Ductopenic) RejectionMatthew M. Yeh, MD, PhDRECURRENT DISEASES IN LIVER ALLOGRAFT284 Recurrent Hepatitis B VirusLindsay Alpert, MD286 Recurrent Hepatitis C VirusLindsay Alpert, MD290 Fibrosing Cholestatic HBV or HCV HepatitisLindsay Alpert, MD292 Recurrent Autoimmune HepatitisLindsay Alpert, MD294 Recurrent Primary Biliary CholangitisLindsay Alpert, MD296 Recurrent Primary Sclerosing CholangitisLindsay Alpert, MD298 Recurrent Fatty Liver DiseaseLindsay Alpert, MDINFECTIONS300 CytomegalovirusMaria Westerhoff, MD and Joseph Ahn, MD, MS, FACG302 Herpes Simplex VirusMaria Westerhoff, MD and Joseph Ahn, MD, MS, FACG304 Adenovirus, LiverMaria Westerhoff, MD and Joseph Ahn, MD, MS, FACG306 Hepatitis E VirusMaria Westerhoff, MD and Joseph Ahn, MD, MS, FACG308 Epstein-Barr Virus, LiverMaria Westerhoff, MD and Joseph Ahn, MD, MS, FACG312 Fungal Infections, LiverMaria Westerhoff, MD and Joseph Ahn, MD, MS, FACGLATE-GRAFT DYSFUNCTION314 Plasma Cell-Rich RejectionLisa Yerian, MD316 Graft-vs.-Host Disease, LiverLisa Yerian, MDSECTION 6: HEART TRANSPLANTATION320 Pathologic Classification of Cardiac Allograft DiseasesAliya N. Husain, MD322 Evaluation of Failed Native and Transplanted HeartJennifer Pogoriler, MD, PhD324 History of Heart TransplantationAliya N. Husain, MD and Aarti Sharma, MDEVALUATION OF EXPLANTED HEART326 Ischemic Heart DiseaseAliya N. Husain, MD and Aarti Sharma, MD330 Dilated CardiomyopathyJennifer Pogoriler, MD, PhD334 Hypertrophic CardiomyopathyJennifer Pogoriler, MD, PhD and Aliya N. Husain, MD338 Congenital Heart DiseaseJennifer Pogoriler, MD, PhD and Aliya N. Husain, MD342 Sarcoidosis, HeartAliya N. Husain, MD and Aarti Sharma, MD344 Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular CardiomyopathyJennifer Pogoriler, MD, PhD and Aliya N. Husain, MD348 Other Causes of End-Stage Heart DiseaseJennifer Pogoriler, MD, PhD and Aliya N. Husain, MDALLOGRAFT REJECTION354 Acute Cellular Rejection, HeartAliya N. Husain, MD and Jennifer Pogoriler, MD, PhD358 Antibody-Mediated Rejection, HeartAliya N. Husain, MD and Aarti Sharma, MD360 Chronic Allograft Vasculopathy, HeartAliya N. Husain, MD and Aarti Sharma, MDNONINFECTIOUS LESIONS362 Quilty LesionsAliya N. Husain, MD and Aarti Sharma, MD364 Site of Previous BiopsyAliya N. Husain, MD and VijayalakshmiAnanthanarayanan, MDINFECTIONS366 MyocarditisJennifer Pogoriler, MD, PhD and Aliya N. Husain, MDSECTION 7: LUNG TRANSPLANTATION374 Pathologic Classification of Lung Allograft DiseasesAliya N. Husain, MD and Aarti Sharma, MD376 Examination of Native and Transplanted LungsAliya N. Husain, MD378 History of Lung TransplantationAliya N. Husain, MD and Aarti Sharma, MDEVALUATION OF FAILED NATIVE LUNG380 EmphysemaAliya N. Husain, MD382 Cystic FibrosisAliya N. Husain, MD384 Idiopathic Pulmonary FibrosisAliya N. Husain, MD and Aarti Sharma, MD386 Connective Tissue Disease-Associated Lung DiseaseIlyssa O. Gordon, MD, PhD and Aliya N. Husain, MD388 Sarcoidosis, LungAliya N. Husain, MD390 Pulmonary Arterial HypertensionAliya N. Husain, MD and Aarti Sharma, MD392 Other Causes of End-Stage Lung DiseaseAliya N. Husain, MD and Aarti Sharma, MDSURGICAL COMPLICATIONS396 Surgical Aspects and Complications, LungAliya N. Husain, MD and Aarti Sharma, MDALLOGRAFT REJECTION398 Pathologic Classification of RejectionAliya N. Husain, MD and Aarti Sharma, MD400 Antibody-Mediated Rejection, LungAliya N. Husain, MD and Ilyssa O. Gordon, MD, PhD402 Acute Cellular Rejection, Grade AAliya N. Husain, MD404 Acute Cellular Rejection, Grade BAliya N. Husain, MD406 Chronic Allograft Dysfunction, LungAliya N. Husain, MDNONINFECTIOUS LESIONS408 Organizing PneumoniaAliya N. Husain, MD410 MicroaspirationAliya N. Husain, MDINFECTIONS412 Bacterial InfectionsAliya N. Husain, MD and Ilyssa O. Gordon, MD, PhD414 Viral InfectionsAliya N. Husain, MD and Aarti Sharma, MD418 Fungal Infections, LungAliya N. Husain, MDSECTION 8: INTESTINAL TRANSPLANTATION424 Pathologic Classification of Intestinal Allograft DiseasesSarangarajan Ranganathan, MD426 Indications and Evaluation of ExplantSarangarajan Ranganathan, MD430 Reperfusion InjurySarangarajan Ranganathan, MD434 History of Intestinal and Multivisceral TransplantationSarangarajan Ranganathan, MDALLOGRAFT REJECTION/IMMUNOLOGICAL INJURY436 Acute Antibody-Mediated Rejection, IntestineSarangarajan Ranganathan, MD440 Acute Cellular Rejection, IntestineSarangarajan Ranganathan, MD448 Chronic Rejection, IntestineSarangarajan Ranganathan, MD452 Stomach RejectionSarangarajan Ranganathan, MD456 Colon RejectionSarangarajan Ranganathan, MD460 Graft-vs.-Host Disease, IntestineSarangarajan Ranganathan, MDINFECTIONS464 Bacterial and Fungal InfectionsSarangarajan Ranganathan, MD468 Adenovirus, IntestineSarangarajan Ranganathan, MD472 Rotavirus, Cytomegalovirus, and Herpes Simplex VirusSarangarajan Ranganathan, MD476 Epstein-Barr Virus, IntestineSarangarajan Ranganathan, MDSECTION 9: PANCREAS TRANSPLANTATION484 Pathologic Classification of Pancreas Allograft DiseasesSurya V. Seshan, MD and Billie S. Fyfe, MD486 Clinical Considerations in Pancreas Transplant EvaluationSurya V. Seshan, MD and Billie S. Fyfe, MD492 History of Pancreas TransplantationSurya V. Seshan, MD and Billie S. Fyfe, MD494 History of Islet TransplantationPiotr Witkowski, MD, PhDSURGICAL COMPLICATIONS498 Surgical Aspects and Complications, PancreasSurya V. Seshan, MD and Billie S. Fyfe, MDALLOGRAF REJECTION504 Acute Cellular Rejection, PancreasSurya V. Seshan, MD, Billie S. Fyfe, MD, and Erika R. Bracamonte, MD508 Antibody-Mediated Rejection, PancreasSurya V. Seshan, MD and Billie S. Fyfe, MD512 Chronic Allograft Rejection/Graft SclerosisSurya V. Seshan, MD, Billie S. Fyfe, MD, and Erika R. Bracamonte, MDGRAFT DYSFUNCTION514 Recurrent Diabetes MellitusSurya V. Seshan, MD and Billie S. Fyfe, MD518 Islet Cell Toxicity and Islet Amyloid DepositionSurya V. Seshan, MD and Billie S. Fyfe, MDINFECTIONS520 Intraabdominal and Opportunistic InfectionsSurya V. Seshan, MD and Billie S. Fyfe, MDSECTION 10: VASCULARIZED COMPOSITE ALLOTRANSPLANTATION528 History of Vascularized Composite AllotransplantationLinda Cendales, MDALLOGRAFT REJECTION530 Acute T-Cell- and Antibody-Mediated RejectionA. Brad Farris, III, MD, MBA, Ivy A. Rosales, MD, and Robert B. Colvin, MD538 Chronic RejectionA. Brad Farris, III, MD, MBA, Robert B. Colvin, MD, and Ivy A. Rosales, MDSECTION 11: POSTTRANSPLANT NEOPLASTIC DISORDERS542 Posttransplant Lymphoproliferative DiseasesA. Brad Farris, III, MD, MBA
- ISBN: 978-0-443-25008-8
- Editorial: Elsevier
- Encuadernacion: Cartoné
- Páginas: 624
- Fecha Publicación: 09/08/2024
- Nº Volúmenes: 1
- Idioma: Inglés