City politics is an ancient, enduring and vibrant enterprise that can be traced back over two millennia. Its key concerns include the nature of power, institutions, governance, community, scale and economic processes, as well as the urban citizenry itself and the public policy efforts to address their problems. The study of these concerns is inherently interdisciplinary, as local political processes are shaped by social forces, spatial dynamics and economic factors. Volume One: Traditions and Transitions examines different ways in which the politics of city life have been conceived down the ages; Volume Two: Political Economy and Power brings together theoretical work developed to explain urban politics, focusing on the key interactions between economic and political processes and the distribution and nature of political power; Volume Three: Institutions and Governance focuses on the formal and informal institutions of urban government and the task of urban governance; Volume Four: Publics and Policies covers a range of topics in urban politics related to its various publicsand related problems and policies. INDICE: VOLUME 1: TRADITIONS AND TRANSITIONS / Humphrey Kitto The Polis / Ian Morris The Early Polis as City and State / Aristotle Extract from Politics/ John North Democratic Politics in Republican Rome / Augustine Extracts fromThe City of God against the Pagans / Nicholas Aroney Subsidiarity, Federalismand the Best Constitution: Thomas Aquinas on city, province and empire / George Holmes The Emergence of an Urban Ideology at Florence, c. 1250-1450 / Frederick Engels The Great Towns / Karl Marx The Paris Commune / Walter Benjamin The Arcades Project / William Riordan Extracts from Plunkitt of Tammany Hall / Robert Merton Latent Functions of the Machine / Samuel Hays The Politics of Reform in Municipal Government in the Progressive Era / Manuel Castells Urban Renewal and Social Conflict / Henri Lefebvre From the City to Urban Society / Edward Banfield Introduction to Un-Heavenly City: The nature and future of our urban crisis / Jane Jacobs The Uses of Sidewalks: Safety / VOLUME 2: POWER AND POLITICAL ECONOMY / Robert Dahl Extracts from Who Governs / Norton Long The Local Community as Ecology of Games / Floyd Hunter The Structure of Power in Regional City / Peter Bachrach and Morten Baratz Two Faces of Power / Harvey Molotch The City as a Growth Machine / Allan Cochrane Re-defining Urban Politics for the 21st Century / David Harvey From Managerialism to Entrepreneurialism: The transformation in urban governance in late capitalism / Ira Katznelson City Trenches: Urban politics and the patterning of class in the United States / Clarence Stone Systemic Power in Community Decision Making: Restatement of stratification theory / Paul Peterson The Interests of the Limited City / Patrick Dunleavy The Urban Basis of Political Alignment: Social class, domestic property ownership, and state intervention in consumption processes / Todd Swanstrom Semi-Sovereign Cities: The politics of urban development / John Friedmann The World City Hypothesis / Saskia Sassen Cities in Today's Global Age / Jamie Peck, Nik Theodore and Neil Brenner Neoliberal Urbanism: Models, moments, mutations / Edward W. Soja Six Discourses on the Postmetropolis / VOLUME 3: INSTITUTIONS AND GOVERNANCE / Stephen Elkin City, State and Market / H. V. Savitch and Paul Kantor Toward a Theory of Urban Development / Clarence Stone Urban Regimes and the Capacity to Govern / Alan Harding Urban Regimes and Growth Machines:Towards a cross-national research agenda / Gerry Stoker Governance as Theory:Five propositions / Vivien Lowndes Rescuing Aunt Sally: Taking institutional theory seriously in urban politics / Michael Lipsky Toward a Theory of Street-Level Bureaucracy / Mette Kjaer The Urban Bureaucracy Anne / Mark Goodwin and Joe Painter Local Governance, the Crises of Fordism and the Changing Geographies of Regulation / Harold Wolman Understanding Recent Trends in Central-Local Relations: Centralisation in Great Britain and decentralisation in the United States / Keith Dowding et al Understanding Urban Governance: The contribution of rational choice / Olivier Williams Life-style Values and Political Decentralization in Metropolitan Areas / Peter Dreier, John Mollenkopf and Todd Swanstrom Regionalisms: New and old / Neil Brenner Metropolitan Institutional Reformand the Rescaling of State Space in Contemporary Western Europe / Archon Fungand Erik Olin Wright Deepening Democracy / Eva Sorensen and Jacob Torfing TheDemocratic Anchorage of Governance Networks / Jonathan Davies The Limits of Partnership: An exit-action strategy for local democratic inclusion / VOLUME 4:PUBLICS AND POLICIES / Richard Florida The Rise of the Creative Class / Mike Davis Planet of Slums / David Seddon and Leo Zeilig Class and Protest in Africa: New waves / A. Reed Jr. The Black Urban Regime: Structural origins and constraints / J. Phillip Thompson, III Universalism and Deconcentration: Why race still matters in poverty and economic development / R.P. Browning, D.R. Marshall and D.H. Tabb The Prospects for Political Equality: Is protest enough? / Judith Garber Gender and Sexuality / James DeFillipis, Robert Fisher and Eric Shragge Neither Romance nor Regulation: Re-evaluating community / Margit Mayer Urban Social Movements in an Era of Globalization / Timothy Barnekov and DanielRich Pivatism and the Limits of Local Economic Development Policy / Harold Wolman with David Spitzley The Politics of Local Economic Development / Scott Bollens Concentrated Poverty and Metropolitan Equity Strategies / Martin Jones and Kevin Ward Excavating the Logic of British Urban Policy: Neoliberalism as the "crisis of crisis management / David Imbroscio, Thad Williamson and Gar Alperowitz Local Policy Responses to Globalization: Place-based ownership models of economic enterprise / Mark Swilling Sustainability and Infrastructure Planning in South Africa: A Cape Town case study / Rainer Bauböck Reinventing UrbanCitizenship / Marion Young City Life and Difference
- ISBN: 978-1-84787-610-2
- Editorial: Sage Publications
- Encuadernacion: Cartoné
- Páginas: 1664
- Fecha Publicación: 01/06/2010
- Nº Volúmenes: 4
- Idioma: Inglés