Business-to-Business marketing

Business-to-Business marketing

Ellis, N.
Tadajewski, Mark
Pressey, Andrew

877,66 €(IVA inc.)

This four-volume collection is the only detailed survey of business-to-business marketing literature that captures the state of the discipline in its entirety. Business-to-business marketing is fast catching up with business-to-consumer marketing as a subject of study, and in recognition of its widening appealthis collection of seminal articles will be of interest to students, researchers and lecturers of general management, as well as those of marketing. It serves as an intellectual touchstone for academics interested in developing theirown research interests further, or who are considering incorporating more business-to-business scholarship. Some of the topics addresses will be familiar, such as marketing channels and relationship marketing, while others are likelyto be more novel, like organisational purchasing, supply chains and industrial networks. Assembled and introduced by a team of experts in the field, this collection is an invaluable snapshot of the key theoretical, methodological andmanagerial issues in this critical and expanding area. ÍNDICE: VOLUME 1: INTRODUCING B3B MARKETING The Parameters of B2B Marketing The Scope of B2B Marketing Trappings vs. Substance in industrial marketing -B.C. Ames What is Business and Industrial Marketing? - E.F. Cooke Levels of Analysis in Business-to-Business Marketing - R. Wilke and T. Ritter On the study of industrial buying behavior: current practices and future trends - Y. Windand F. Webster The foundations of B2B Marketing Selling as a Dyadic Relationship - a New Approach - F.B. Evans Historical Evolution of the Purchasing Function - H.E. Fearon The Industrial Buyer - H.T. Lewis Legal Foundations and Boundaries of B2B Marketing Regulatory Perceptions of Marketing: Interpreting UK competition authority investigations from 1950 to 2005 - J.K. Ashton and A.D. Pressey The Antitrust Implications of Relationship Marketing - R.J. Fontenot and M.R. Hyman Ethical and Legal Foundations of Relational Exchanges - G.T. Gundlach and P.E. Murphy Rethinking the Emergence of Relationship Marketing - M. Tadajewski and M. Saren Corporate Governance, Business Strategy and the Dynamics of Networks: A theoretical model and application to the British cotton industry, 1830-1980 - S. Toms and Filatotchev Organisational Buying Behaviour Foundational Work in OBB What Motivates Business Buyers - D.J. Duncan The Buying Center: Structure and interaction patterns - W.J. Johnston and T.V. Bonoma The Industrial Purchasing Decision as a Political Process - A.M. Pettigrew A Model of Industrial Buyer Behaviour - J.N. Sheth A General Model for Understanding Organizational Buying Behavior - F.E. Webster and Y. Wind Later Perspectives onOBB Managing Interfaces with Suppliers - L. Araujo, A. Dubois and L-E Gadde Socially Responsible Organizational Buying: How can stakeholders dictate purchasing policies? - I. Maignan and D.T. McAlister The Effect of Perceived Personal Consequences on Participation and Influence in Organizational Buying - D.H. McQuiston and P.R. Dickson VOLUME 2: CHANNELS, CHAINS AND INTER-ORGANIZATIONALRELATIONSHIPS Marketing Channels and Supply Chains Foundational Work in Channels Postponement, Speculation and the Structure of Distribution Channels - L.P. Bucklin The Differential Effects of Exercised and Unexercised Power Sources in a Marketing Channel - J.F. Gaski and J.R. Nevin Distribution Channels as Political Economies: A Framework for comparative analysis - L.W. Stern and T. Reve Later perspectives on Channels A Model of Distributor Firm and ManufacturerFirm Working Partnerships - J.C. Anderson and J.A. Narus Exchange Relationships and Interfirm Power in Channels of Distribution - G.L. Frazier and K.D. Antia Influence in Marketing Channels: A sense-making investigation - G.C. Hopkinson Understanding the 'New' Distribution Reality Through 'Old' Concepts: A renaissance for transvection and sorting - K. Hulthen and L-E Gadde Supply Chain Management The Agile Supply Chain: Competing in volatile markets - M. Christopher In Search of 'Interfirm Management' in Supply Chains: Recognizing contradictions of language and power by listening - A. Faria and R. Wensley Collaborative Supply-Chain Partnerships Built Upon Trust and Electronically Mediated Exchange - N. Myhr and R.E. Spekman Holistic and Cross-disciplinary Deficiencies in the Theory Generation of Supply Chain Management - G. Svensson Inter-Organisational Relationships Historical Relational Scholarship Forces Impinging on Long Term Business to Business Relationships in the United States: An historical perspective - W.W. Keep, S.C. Hollander and R. Dickinson Relationship Marketing Theory: Its roots and direction - K. Moller and A. Halinen The Foundationsof Relationship Marketing: Reciprocity and trade relations - M. Tadajewski Trust, Commitment and Norms in Relationships Trust in Business to Business Relationships: An evaluation of its status - K. Blois Do Norms Matter in Marketing Relationships? - J.B. Heide and G. John The Commitment-Trust Theory of Relationship Marketing - R.D. Morgan and S.D. Hunt Bonding and Commitment in Buyer-Seller Relationships: A preliminary conceptualization - D.T. Wilson and V. Mummalaneni Managing Relationships Managing Market Relationships - G.S. Day Relationships Mean Everything: A typology of small-business relationship strategies in a reflexive context - T. Fuller and J. Lewis The Dark Side of Long-Term Relationships in Marketing Services - K. Grayson and T. Ambler Assessing Relationship Quality - P. Naude and F. Buttle Theoretical Perspectives on RelationshipsDon't all Firms have Relationships? - K.J. Blois An Organizational Perspective on Changing Buyer-Supplier Relations: A critical review of the evidence - M.Bresnen Developing Buyer-Seller Relationships - F.R. Dwyer, P.H. Schurr and S. Oh An Integrated Model of Buyer-Seller Relationships - D.T. Wilson VOLUME 3:INDUSTRIAL NETWORKS AND B2B MARKETING STRATEGY Industrial Networks Networks and Relationship Management Changes in the Theory of Interorganizational Relations in Marketing: Toward a network paradigm - R.S. Achrol Dyadic Business Relationships Within a Business Network Context - J.C. Anderson, H. Hakansson and J. Johanson No Business is an Island: The network concept of business strategy- H. Hakansson and I. Snehota Interaction, Relationships and Networks in Business Markets: An evolving perspective - P. Turnbull, D. Ford and M. CunninghamConceptual and Methodological Network Issues Networks in Socioeconomic Systems: A critical review - L. Araujo and G. Easton Marketing Identities: Shifting circles of identification in inter-organizational relationships - N. Ellis andS. Ybema Network Pictures: Building an holistic representation of a dyadic business-to-business relationship - S. Leek and K. Mason Heading Toward a Society of Networks: Empirical developments and theoretical challenges - J. Raab andP. Kenis B2B Marketing Strategy Marketing Planning and Market Segmentation Industrial Market Segmentation - Y. Wind and R. Cardozo Assessing Response to Industrial Marketing Strategy - J-M Choffray and G.L. Lilien Environment, Structure and P0erformance in Interfirm Exchange - R. Dahlstrom, F.R. Dwyer and M. Chandrashekaran Value in B2B exchanges Customer Value Assessment in Business Markets - J.C. Anderson, D.C. Jain and P.K. Chintagunta Exploring the Phenomenonof Customers' Desired Value Change in a Business-to-Business Context - D.J. Flint, R.B. Woodruff and S.F. Gardial Value Creation in Buyer - Seller Relationships: Theoretical considerations and empirical results from a supplier's perspective - A. Walter, T. Ritter and H.G. Germ nden Relational Strategies BeyondGuanxi: Network contingencies in Taiwanese business groups - C-N Chung The Relational View: Cooperative strategy and sources on inter-organizational competitive advantage - J. Dyer and H. Singh Collaborate with your Competitors - andWin - G. Hamel, Y.L. Doz and C.K. Pralahad Pie-Expansion Efforts: Collaboration processes in buyer-seller relationships - S.D. Jap Marketing management practice Inter-Organizational Relationships and Strategy Development in an Evolving Industrial Network: Mapping structure and process - N. Ellis and R. Mayer Organizational Mating and Industrial Marketing Conservatism - Some Reasons Why Industrial Marketing Managers Resist Marketing Theory - P.B.L Guillet de Monthoux The Marketing Strategy Center: Diagnosing the industrial marketer's interdisciplinary role - M.D. Hutt and T.W. Speh Exploring the Accuracy of SME Managers' Network Perceptions - G.G. Ottessen, L. Foss and K. Gronhaug VOLUME 4: B2B MARKETING PROGRAMMES Untitled Business Products and NPD Overhauling the New Product Process - R.G. Cooper Differences in Attribute Importance for Different Industrial Products - D.R. Lehmann and J. O'Shaughnessy High-tech, Innovative Products: Identifying and meeting customers' value needs - A. Lindgreen, M. Antioco, R. Palmer and T. van Heesch Managing Supplier Involvement in New Product Development: A portfolio approach - F. Wynstra and E. ten Pierick BusinessServices New Industrial Service Development: Scenario for success and failure- U. De Bretani Relationships Between Providers and Users of Market Research:The dynamics of trust within and between organisations - C. Moorman, G. Zaltman and R. Deshpande Forming Successful Business-to-Business Services in Goods-Dominant Firms - W.A. Neu and S.W. Brown Service Delivery Encounters in Business-to-Business Contexts as a Source of Innovation - a Conceptual and Explorative Study - D. Neumann and H.H. Holzm ller Pricing in B2B markets Manufacturer Price Reduction Pressure and Supplier Relations - J.W. Henke, R. Parameswaran and R.M. Pisharodi Price-Setting in Business-to-Business Markets - R. Brennan,L. Canning and R. McDowell Industrial Pricing to Meet Customer Needs - B.P. Shapiro and B.B. Jackson B2B Marketing Communications Communications and Industrial Selling - T. Levitt The Power of Emotion: Brand communication in businessto business markets - J. Lynch and L. de Chernatony Communication Strategies in Marketing Channels: A theoretical perspective - J. Mohr and J.R. Nevin The Role of Communication in Business Relationships and Networks - R. Olkkonen, H.Tikkanen and K. Alajoutsijarvi Personal Selling and B2B Sales Management The Role of Social and Self-Conscious Emotions in the Regulation of Business-to-Business Relationships in Salesperson-Customer Interactions - R.P. Bagozzi The Determinants of Salesperson Performance: A meta-analysis - G.A. Churchill, N.M.Ford, S. Hartley and O.C. Walker From Key account Selling to Key Account Management - T. Millman and K. Wilson The Mediating Role of Sales Behaviors: An alternative perspective on sales performance and effectiveness - R.E. Plank and D.A. Reid Managing Key Business-to-Business Relationships: What marketing can learn from supply chain management - L.J. Ryals and A.S. Humphries InformationTechnology and B2B Marketing Internet Usage within B2B Relationships and its Impact on Value Creation: A conceptual model and research propositions - D.E. Boyd and R.E. Spekman Business to Business Marketing and the World Wide Web: Planning, managing and assessing websites - J.R. Evans and V.E. King E-Hubs: The new B2B marketplaces - S. Kaplan and M. Sawhney The Antitrust Implications of Electronic Business-to-Business Marketplaces - A.D. Pressey and J.K. Ashton“

  • ISBN: 978-1-84920-546-7
  • Editorial: Sage Publications
  • Encuadernacion: Cartoné
  • Páginas: 1720
  • Fecha Publicación: 04/01/2011
  • Nº Volúmenes: 4
  • Idioma: Inglés