Provides students and other researchers with easy access to the key items of scholarly literature, material that is otherwise inaccessible or scattered throughout a variety of specialist journals and books. Brings together canonical and cutting-edge material in a unique one-stop research resource. Sustainability is a key topic in all BE courses at the moment and there are also more seasoned academics having to refer to the major literature. Summary The ‘fit for purpose’ of the built environment has been a focus of attention since classical times, both in the West and in the East. However, an explicit focus on ‘sustainable buildings’ is relatively new. The last two decades in particular have seen an explosion of published material on the design, construction and assessment of buildings purported to be ‘sustainable.’ Many governments and owners of buildings now routinely require their buildings be ‘sustainable’ and are certified to be so. In the case of sustainability certification, the recent growth in tools, techniques and assessment systems is phenomenal: even as early as 2005 there were over 600 such tools in different parts of the world! New ones sprout all the time and design guides attempt a losing battle to keep pace. This new title in Routledge’s Major Works series brings together authoritative canonical and cutting edge reference work to establish a framework for easy comprehension of the vast and continually expanding subject matter. It is a four-volume reference work and an indispensable research tool for all interested researchers, students, building owners and policy-makers to gain a thorough understanding of the field. It showcases a variety of approaches to sustainable buildings from around the world and links these to on-site construction practices and assessment. Comprehensive introductions to each volume place the collected material in its historical, intellectual, and global practice context. Volume I: Overview Part 1: Sustainable development and the built environment 1. Sayer J, Campbell B. 2004. "The challenge: alleviating poverty and conserving the environment." In, The Science of Sustainable Development: Local Livelihoods and the Global Environment, Cambridge University Press. pp. 3-28 2. Hardin G. 1968. The tragedy of the commons. Science, 162, pp. 1243-1248 3. Alcott B. 2005. Jevons’ paradox. Ecological Economics, 54, pp. 9– 21 4. William A. 2008. "The limit-setters: Architecture’s loss of humanity." In, The Enemies of Progress: Dangers of Sustainability, Societas, Imprint Academic, pp. 53-72 5. Brandon P, Lombardi P. (eds). 2010. "Setting the context for evaluating sustainable development." In, Evaluating Sustainable Development in the Built Environment. Blackwell Science, pp. 1-25 6. Power A. 2008. Does demolition or refurbishment of old and inefficient homes help to increase our environmental, social and economic viability? Energy Policy, 36, pp 4487–4501 Part 2: Environmental, social and economic consequences of built environment 7. Wackernagel M, Schulz NB, Deumling D, Linares AC, Jenkins M, Kapos V, Monfreda C, Loh J, Myers N, Norgaard R, Randers J. 2002. Tracking the ecological overshoot of the human economy. PNAS, 99, no. 14, pp. 9266–9271 8. Rees WE, Wackernagel M. 1996. Urban ecological footprints: why cities cannot be sustainable and why they are a key to sustainability. Environ Impact Asses Rev, 16, pp. 223-248 9. Rao M, Prasad S, Adshead F, Tissera H. 2007. The built environment and health, Lancet, 370, pp. 1111-1113 10. Rees W. 2009. The ecological crisis and self-delusion: implications for the building sector. Building Research & Information, 37, pp. 300–311 11. Kibert CJ, Sendzimir J, Guy B. 2000. Construction ecology and metabolism: natural system analogues for a sustainable built environment. Construction Management and Economics, 18, pp. 903–916 Part 3: Energy, climate change and buildings 12. Li DHW, Yang L, Lam JC. 2012. Impact of climate change on energy use in the built environment in different climate zones – A review. Energy, 42, 103-112 13. Diana ürge-Vorsatz LD, Harvey D, Mirasgedis S, Levine MD. 2007. Mitigating CO2 emissions from energy use in the world's buildings, Building Research & Information, 35, pp. 379-398 14. Sperling D, Gordon D. 2009. "Surviving two billion cars," In, Two Billion Cars: Driving Towards Sustainability. Oxford University Press, pp. 1-12 15. Aked J, Michaelson J, Steuer N. 2010. "Chapter 2: Well being and the built environment: the evidence" In, Good Foundations: towards a low carbon, high well-being built environment. New Economic Foundation (NEF) pp. 11-27 VOLUME II: Sustainable Design Part 4: Principles of sustainable design, environment, culture, comfort and human behaviour 16. Vitruvius - The Ten Books on Architecture, ca. 1st Century AD, Translated by Morgan MH (1914), Dover Publications. Book I, pp. 5-32 and Book VI, 170-192 17. McHarg I. 1995. "Nature and the metropolis" and "The metropolitan region." In, Design With Nature. John Wiley & Sons, pp. 55-65 and 153-161 18. Nicol F, Humphreys M, Roaf S. 2012. "Standards, guidelines and legislation for the indoor environment," and "Low-energy adaptive buildings." In, Adaptive Thermal Comfort: Principles and Practice, Routledge. pp. 52-80 19. Heschong L. 1979. "Delight," and "Affection." In, Thermal Delight in Architecture. MIT Press, pp. 18-49 20. Rapoport A. 1969. "Socio cultural factors and house form." In, House, Form and Culture. Prentice-Hall, pp. 46-82 Part 5: Sustainable design – warm, humid climates 21. Koenigsberger OH, Ingersoll TG, Mayhew A, Szokolay SV. 2009. "Means of thermal control," In, Manual of Tropical Housing & Building, Part I: Climatic Design, Orient Blackswan, pp. 89-130 22. Emmanuel, R. 2005. "Climate conscious urban design in the tropics," In, An Urban Approach to Climate Sensitive Design: Strategies for the Urban Tropics, E&FN Spon Press, pp. 97-119 Part 6: Sustainable design – hot, dry climates 23. Fathy H. 1973. Architecture for the Poor. University of Chicago Press, pp 19-62 24. Konya A, Vandenberg M. 2011. "Design and climate." In, Design Primer for Hot Climates, Archimedia Press, pp. 34-67 Part 7: Sustainable design – temperate climates 25. Hawkes D. 2012. "The Modern Movement House in the British Climate ." In, Architecture and Climate: An Environmental History of British Architecture 1600-2000, Routledge, pp. 189-219 26. Roaf S, Fuentes M, Thomas-Rees S. 2012. "Pushing the building envelope." In, Ecohouse: A Design Guide, 4th ed., Routledge, pp. 48-79 Part 8: Sustainable cities 27. Aked J, Michaelson J, Steuer N. 2010. "Chapter 5: Designing sustainable well-being into place making", In Good Foundations: towards a low carbon, high well-being built environment. New Economic Foundation (NEF). pp. 46-55 28. Hess JJ, Malilay JN, Parkinson AJ. 2008. Climate Change: The Importance of Place, Am J Prev Med. 35, pp. 468-478 29. Gill SE, Handley JF, Ennos AR, Pauleit S. 2007. Adapting Cities for Climate Change: The Role of the Green Infrastructure. Built Environment, 33, pp. 115-133 30. Unsworth R, 2004. "Making cities more sustainable: people, plans and participation." In, M Purvis and A Grainger (eds.), Exploring Sustainable Development: Geographical Perspectives Earthscan, pp. 128–55 31. Knowles R. 1974. "Modes of growth and control," and "The shape and structure of buildings." In, Energy and Form: An Ecological Approach to Urban Growth. MIT Press, pp. 111 - 171 32. Newton PW. 2011. Liveable and sustainable? Socio-technical challenges for twenty-first-century cities, Journal of Urban Technology, 19, pp. 81-102 VOLUME III: Sustainable Construction Part 9: Getting it done 33. Royal Inst of British Architects (RIBA), 2011. Green Overlay to the RIBA Outline Plan of Work. RIBA 34. Royal Inst of British Architects (RIBA), 2012. "Section 5: Ten steps to building a sustainable practice." In, The RIBA Guide to Sustainability in Practice, RIBA, pp. 17-27 35. Hill RC, Bowen PA. 1997. Sustainable construction: principles and a framework for attainment, Construction Management and Economics, 15, pp. 223-239 Part 10: Materials 36. Halliday S. 2008. "Chapter 5: Materials Selection," In, Sustainable Construction. Butterworth-Heinemann, pp. 116-137 37. Tam VWY, Tam CM. 2006. A review on the viable technology for construction waste recycling, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 47, pp. 209–221 38. Jönsson Å, 2000. Tools and methods for environmental assessment of building products – methodological analysis of six selected approaches, Building & Environment, 35, pp. 223-238 39. Addington M, Schodek D. 2005. "Smart components, assemblies and systems," In, Smart Materials and New Technologies, Architectural Press, pp. 163-197 40. Morel JC, Mesbah A, Oggero M, Walker P. 2001. Building houses with local materials: means to drastically reduce the environmental impact of construction. Building and Environment, 36, pp. 1119–1126 Part 11: Procurement 41. Kelly J, Hunter K. 2009. Lifecycle Costing of Sustainable Design. RICS, Section 2 & 3, pp. 8-17 42. Mithraratne N, Vale B, Vale R. 2011. "Life cycle costing of buildings," In, Sustainable Living: The Role of Whole Life Costs and Values, 2nd ed., Routledge, pp. 63-87 43. Thomson J, Jackson T. 2007. Sustainable procurement in practice: Lessons from local government, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 50, 421-444 44. Walker H, Phillips W. 2009. Sustainable procurement: emerging issues, International Journal of Procurement Management, 2, pp. 41-61 Part 12: Knowledge, process and value management 45. Matar MM, Georgy ME, Ibrahim ME. 2007. Sustainable construction management: introduction of the operational context space (OCS), Construction Management and Economics, 26, 3, pages 261-275 46. Lützkendorf T, Lorenz D. 2011. Capturing sustainability-related information for property valuation, Building Research & Information, 39, pp 256-273 47. Shelbourn MA, Bouchlaghem DM, Anumba CJ, Carillo PM, Khalfan MMK, Glass J. 2006. Managing knowledge in the context of sustainable construction, Journal of Information Technology in Construction, 11, pp. 57-71 (http://www.itcon.org/2006/4) 48. Taylor TA, Glavinich TE, Associated General Contractors (ACG). 2008. "Constructing a green project," In, The Contractor's Guide to Green Building Construction: Management, Project Delivery, Documentation, and Risk Reduction, John Wiley & Sons, pp. 163-188 49. Abidin NZ, Pasquire CL. 2005. Delivering sustainability through value management: Concept and performance overview, Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 12, 2 pp. 168–180 VOLUME IV: Building Sustainability Assessment Part 13: Tools, protocols and systems 50. Brandon P, Lombardi P. 2010. "A proposed framework for evaluating sustainable development." In, Evaluating Sustainable Development in the Built Environment. Blackwell Science, pp. 74-99 51. Carlucci S, Pagliano L. 2012. A review of indices for the long-term evaluation of the general thermal comfort conditions in buildings. Energy and Buildings, 53, pp. 194–205 52. Boyko CT, Gaterell MR, Barber ARG, Brown J, Bryson JR, Butler D, Caputo S, et al., 2012. Benchmarking sustainability in cities: The role of indicators and future scenarios, Global Environmental Change, 22, pp. 245–254 53. Royal Inst of Chartered Surveyors (RICS), 2012. Section 2: Measuring embodied carbon In, Methodology to Calculate Embodied Carbon of Materials. IP32/2012, RICS, pp. 8-16 Part 14: Critique of current approaches 54. Gasparatos A, El-Haram M, Horner M. 2008. Critical review of reductionist approaches for assessing the progress towards sustainability. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 28, pp 286-311 55. Mapes J, Wolch J. 2011. Living Green': The Promise and Pitfalls of New Sustainable Communities, Journal of Urban Design, 16, pp 105 — 126 56. Kwok AG, Rajkovich NB. 2010. Addressing climate change in comfort standards. Building and Environment, 45, pp. 18–22 57. Cooper I. 1999. Which focus for building assessment methods – environmental performance or sustainability? Building Research & Information, 27, pp. 321–331 58. Stevenson F, Ball J. 1998. Sustainability and materiality: The bioregional and cultural challenges to evaluation, Local Environment, 3, pp. 191 – 209 Part 15: Emerging novel articulations 59. Mateus R, Bragança L. 2011. Sustainability assessment and rating of buildings: Developing the methodology SBToolPT-H, Building and Environment, 46, pp. 1962-1971 60. Bordass B, Leaman A. 2005. Making feedback and post-occupancy evaluation routine 1: A portfolio of feedback techniques, Building Research & Information, 33, pp. 347-352 61. Cole RJ. 2012. Transitioning from green to regenerative design, Building Research & Information, 40, pp. 39-53 62. Vale R, Vale B. 2009. "Buildings." In, Time to Eat the Dog? The Real Guide to Sustainable Living, Thames & Hudson, pp. 127-189 63. Deuble MP, de Dear RJ. 2012. Green occupants for green buildings: The missing link? Building and Environment, 56, pp. 21-27 64. Benyus JM, 1997. "Fitting form to functions: weaving fibre like a spider." In, Biomimicry: Innovation Inspired by Nature, Harper Collins, pp. 95-145 65. Lombardi P, Cooper I. 2009. The challenge of the e-Agora metrics: the social construction of meaningful measurements, Int. J. Sustainable Development, 12, pp.210–222
- ISBN: 9780415637091
- Editorial: ROUTLEDGE LTD.
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