Multimedia engineering: a practical guide for internet implementation
Fong, A.C.M.
Hui, S.C.
Hong, Guanyue
Fong, Bernard
Multimedia technologies and the internet are increasingly intrinsic to our daily lives, and into the future will continue to transform the way we live. Multimedia Engineering describes the latest advances in this technology applied to the Internet and WWW. It immerses the reader into the development of many practical internet/ multimedia systems, offering an insight into a range of engineering problems and solutions. It provides a broad coverage of internet/WWW and multimedia processing, as well as transmission and practical applications.Provides an overview of state-of-the-art technologiesAddresses commerical, industrial and educational applications and security and privacy issues.Offers a detailed background into how the internet has been used to support multimedia communicationsAssumes a practical and descriptive problem-solving approach, featuring many worked-through examplesWritten by widely published authors with years of research in the fieldMultimedia Engineering will appeal to graduate andsenior undergraduate students in electrical and electronic engineering, industrial, systems & computer engineering. It will also be of interest to electrical, computer and systems engineers and web developers interested in, or already engaged in, this emerging field. INDICE: Chapter 1. The Dawn of a New Age ¾ The Information Age.1. The Information Age and this Book.2. The internet, World Wide Web and Multimedia.2.1 The Internet.2.2 The World Wide Web.2.3 Multimedia.3. OrganizationChapter 3. The Internet As An Information Repository.1. Introduction2. Current Status, Promises and Challenges.3. Search Engines3.1 Indexing 133.2 Retrieval3.3 Meta Search Engines3.4 Non-Technical Limitations of Search Engine4. Personalized Monitoring ServicesCurrent Web Monitoring Systems4.2 An Alternative Web Monitoring Model4.3 The Web Information Monitoring System (WIM)5. Storage and Retrieval ofVisual Data.5.1 Images5.2 Videos6. Case Study: Discovery/Monitoring of Web Publications.6.1 Discovery of Web Scientific Publications6.2 Monitoring of Scientific Publications7. Further Advancements.7.1 Semantic Web7.2 Human-Centric Query Processing7.3 Intelligent AgentsChapter 3. The Internet As A Communications Medium.1. Introduction2. Internet Communication Protocols2.1 Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)2.2 User Datagram Protocol (UDP)2.3 Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP)2.4 Hypertext Transport Protocol (HTTP)2.5 Real-Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP)2.6 Illustration3. Electronic Mail3.1 Email Protocols3.2 Email Systems4 Online Presence Notification and Instant Messaging.4.1 Current Online Presence Notification Approaches4.2 Instant Messaging Systems4.3 The Online Presence Notification Protocol4.4 Online Presence Notification System5. Internet Telephony.5.1 Overview of an Internet Telephony System5.2 Using Java for Platform Independence5.3 Internet Java Phone5.4 Performance Comparison6. Video Data Transmission.6.1 Video Streaming6.2 Quality of Service Issues6.3 Application-layer QoS Control6.4 Adaptive Transmission and Recovery Mechanism7.; Desktop Videoconferencing7.1 The ITU H.3xx Standards7.2 Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)8. Unified Messaging.8.1 Personal Communicator8.2 Real-Time Communication ServicesChapter 4. Internet Security.1. Introduction2. Internet Security ¾ An Overview2.1 Web Server Related Security2.2 Software Security3 Practical Approaches.3.1 Access Security3.2 Transfer Security3.3 Cryptography3.4 Commercial Solutions4 Security for Java ¾ An Internet Java Phone Example.4.1 Java Security Architecture4.2 Applet Security Restrictions4.3 Overcoming Security Restrictions5Biometrics for Identity Authentication Multi-view Facial Analysis.5.1 The Need for an Effective Distance Measure5.2 The Significance-Based Multi-View Hausdorff Distance5.3 An Experimental System5.4 System PerformanceChapter 5. Internet Privacy.1. Introduction2 Web Content Filtering Methods and Tools A Survey2.1 Current Methods2.2 Current Systems Performance Analysis3 An Effective Web Content Filtering System3.1 Analysis of the Target Web Pages3.2 System Implementation3.3 Performance AnalysisChapter 6. Commercial And Industrial Applications.1. Introduction2. Virtual Electronic Trading For B2b E-Commerce.2.1 Survey ofb2b E-commerce Systems2.2 The VET system3. Web-based Customer Technical Support3.1 Customer Service Database3.2 Data mining for Machine Fault Diagnosis3.3 Machine Fault Diagnosis over the WWW3.4 Performance Evaluation4. Knowledge Discovery for Managerial Decisions4.1 Seven-Step Process for Knowledge Discovery4.2 Establish Mining Goals4.3 Select Data4.4 Preprocess Data4.5 Transform Data4.6 Store Data4.7 Mine Data4.8 Evaluate Mining Results5. Web-based Intelligent Surveillance System5.1 Design Objectives and Related Systems5.2 System Overview and Major Components5.3 Monitoring Process5.4 Technical Challenges and SolutionsChapter 7. (by G. Y. Hong) Implementing and Delivering Internet and Multimedia Projects.1. Introduction2. Process Modeling and Lifecycle2.1 Waterfall Model2.2 Spiral Model2.3 Prototyping Model2.4 Incremental and Iterative Development3. Project Planning and Management3.1 Identify Your Business Objectives andTarget Audience3.2 Analyse the Requirements and Build Domain Knowledge3.3 Document Your Project Plan3.4 Build the Development Team3.5 Review Your Current Standards and Procedures3.6 Identify Project Sponsors and Business Partners3.7 Adopt Just-in-Time Training Approach3.8 Track the Progress3.9 Sales and Marketing4. Design, Implementation and Testing.4.1 Designing User Interface4.2 Designing the Database4.3 Getting User Feedback4.4 Security4.5 Reliability Growth Testing4.6 Enabling Tools and Technologies5. Measurements5.1 Identifying Metrics: Goal Question Measurement (GQM) Approach5.2 Software Metrics5.3 Continuous Improvement6. ConclusionChapter 8. (by B. Fong) From E-Commerce to M-Commerce.1. Electronic Commerce.2. Going Mobile3. Marketing and Mobility.4. Providing Reliable M-commerce Service is Challenging.4.1 Security4.2 Reliability4.3 Effects of Rain4.4 Modulation Schemes5 Chapter Summary.Appendix A.Popular Colour Models.Appendix B.Glossary.Index.
- ISBN: 978-0-470-03085-1
- Editorial: John Wiley & Sons
- Encuadernacion: Rústica
- Páginas: 286
- Fecha Publicación: 06/04/2012
- Nº Volúmenes: 1
- Idioma: Inglés