![Structural Concrete: Theory and Design Structural Concrete: Theory and Design](/images/libros/9781/9781118767818.jpg)
The most up to date structural concrete text, with the latestACI revisions Structural Concrete is the bestselling text on concretestructural design and analysis, providing the latest informationand clear explanation in an easy to understand style. Newly updatedto reflect the latest ACI 318–14 code, this sixth editionemphasizes a conceptual understanding of the subject, and buildsthe student?s body of knowledge by presenting design methodsalongside relevant standards and code. Numerous examples andpractice problems help readers grasp the real–world application ofthe industry?s best practices, with explanations and insight on theextensive ACI revision. Each chapter features examples using SIunits and US–SI conversion factors, and SI unit design tables areincluded for reference. Exceptional weather–resistance and stability make concrete apreferred construction material for most parts of the world. Forcivil and structural engineering applications, rebar and steelbeams are generally added during casting to provide additionalsupport. Pre–cast concrete is becoming increasingly common,allowing better quality control, the use of special admixtures, andthe production of innovative shapes that would be too complex toconstruct on site. This book provides complete guidance toward allaspects of reinforced concrete design, including the ACI revisionsthat address these new practices. Review the properties of reinforced concrete, with models forshrink and creep Understand shear, diagonal tension, axial loading, andtorsion Learn planning considerations for reinforced beams and strutand tie Design retaining walls, footings, slender columns, stairs, andmore The American Concrete Institute updates structural concrete codeapproximately every three years, and it?s critical that studentslearn the most recent standards and best practices. StructuralConcrete provides the most up to date information, withintuitive explanation and detailed guidance. INDICE: PrefaceNotationConversion FactorsChapter 1: Introduction1.1 Structural Concrete1.2 Historical Background1.3 Advantages and Disadvantages of Reinforced Concrete1.4 Codes of Practice1.5 Design Philosophy and Concepts1.6 Units of Measurement1.7 Loads1.8 Safety Provisions1.9 Structural Concrete Elements1.10 Structural Concrete Design1.11 Accuracy of Calculations1.12 Concrete High–Rise BuildingsReferencesChapter 2: Properties of Reinforced Concrete2.1 Factors Affecting Strength of Concrete2.2 Compressive Strength2.3 Stress Strain Curves of Concrete2.4 Tensile Strength of Concrete2.5 Flexural Strength (Modulus of Rupture) of Concrete2.6 Shear Strength2.7 Modulus of Elasticity of Concrete2.8 Poisson s Ratio2.9 Shear Modulus2.10 Modular Ratio2.11 Volume Changes of Concrete2.12 Creep2.13 Models for Predicting Shrinkage and Creep of Concrete2.14 Unit Weight of Concrete2.15 Fire Resistance2.16 High–Performance Concrete2.17 Lightweight Concrete2.18 Fibrous Concrete2.19 Steel ReinforcementSummaryReferencesProblemsChapter 3: Flexural Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Beams3.1 Introduction3.2 Assumptions3.3 Behavior of Simply Supported Reinforced Concrete Beam Loaded toFailure3.4 Types of Flexural Failure and Strain Limits3.5 Load Factors3.6 Strength Reduction Factor 3.7 Significance of Analysis and Design Expressions3.8 Equivalent Compressive Stress Distribution3.9 Singly Reinforced Rectangular Section in Bending3.10 Lower Limit or Minimum Percentage of Steel3.11 Adequacy of Sections3.12 Bundled Bars3.13 Sections in the Transition Region( < 0.9)3.14 Rectangular Sections with Compression Reinforcement3.15 Analysis of T– and I–Sections3.16 Dimensions of Isolated T–Shaped Sections3.17 Inverted L–Shaped Sections3.18 Sections of Other Shapes3.19 Analysis of Sections Using Tables3.20 Additional Examples3.21 Examples Using SI UnitsSummaryReferencesProblemsChapter 4: Flexural Design of Reinforced Concrete Beams4.1 Introduction4.2 Rectangular Sections with Tension Reinforcement Only4.3 Spacing of Reinforcement and Concrete Cover4.4 Rectangular Sections with Compression Reinforcement4.5 Design of T–Sections4.6 Additional Examples4.7 Examples Using SI UnitsSummaryProblemsChapter 5: Shear and Diagonal Tension5.1 Introduction5.2 Shear Stresses in Concrete Beams5.3 Behavior of Beams without Shear Reinforcement5.4 Moment Effect on Shear Strength5.5 Beams with Shear Reinforcement5.6 ACI Code Shear Design Requirements5.7 Design of Vertical Stirrups5.8 Design Summary5.9 Shear Force Due to Live Loads5.10 Shear Stresses in Members of Variable Depth5.11 Examples Using SI UnitsSummaryReferencesProblemsChapter 6: Deflection and Control of Cracking6.1 Deflection of Structural Concrete Members6.2 Instantaneous Deflection6.3 Long–Time Deflection6.4 Allowable Deflection6.5 Deflection Due to Combinations of Loads6.6 Cracks in Flexural Members6.7 ACI Code RequirementsSummaryReferencesProblemsChapter 7: Development Length of Reinforcing Bars7.1 Introduction7.2 Development of Bond Stresses7.3 Development Length in Tension7.4 Development Length in Compression7.5 Summary for Computation of Id inTension7.6 Critical Sections in Flexural Members7.7 Standard Hooks (ACI Code, Sections 25.3 and 25.4)7.8 Splices of Reinforcement7.9 Moment Resistance Diagram (Bar Cutoff Points)SummaryReferencesProblemsChapter 8: Design of Deep Beams by the Strut–and–TieMethod8.1 Introduction8.2 B and D Regions8.3 Strut–and–Tie Model8.4 ACI Design Procedure to Build a Strut–and–Tie Model8.5 Strut–and–Tie Method According to AASHTO LRFD8.6 Deep MembersReferencesProblemsChapter 9: One–Way Slabs9.1 Types of Slabs9.2 Design of One–Way Solid Slabs9.3 Design Limitations According to ACI Code9.4 Temperature and Shrinkage Reinforcement9.5 Reinforcement Details9.6 Distribution of Loads from One–Way Slabs to SupportingBeams9.7 One–Way Joist Floor SystemSummaryReferencesProblemsChapter 10: Axially Loaded Columns10.1 Introduction10.2 Types of Columns10.3 Behavior of Axially Loaded Columns10.4 ACI Code Limitations10.5 Spiral Reinforcement10.6 Design Equations10.7 Axial Tension10.8 Long ColumnsSummaryReferencesProblemsChapter 11: Members in Compression and Bending11.1 Introduction11.2 Design Assumptions for Columns11.3 Load Moment Interaction Diagram11.4 Safety Provisions11.5 Balanced Condition: Rectangular Sections11.6 Column Sections under Eccentric Loading11.7 Strength of Columns for Tension Failure11.8 Strength of Columns for Compression Failure11.9 Interaction Diagram Example11.10 Rectangular Columns with Side Bars11.11 Load Capacity of Circular Columns11.12 Analysis and Design of Columns Using Charts11.13 Design of Columns Under Eccentric Loading11.14 Biaxial Bending11.15 Circular Columns with Uniform Reinforcement Under BiaxialBending11.16 Square and Rectangular Columns Under Biaxial Bending11.17 Parme Load Contour Method11.18 Equation of Failure Surface11.19 SI ExampleSummaryReferencesProblemsChapter 12: Slender Columns12.1 Introduction12.2 Effective Column Length (K lu)12.3 Effective Length Factor (K)12.4 Member Stiffness (EI)12.5 Limitation of the Slenderness Ratio(Klu/r)12.6 Moment–Magnifier Design MethodSummaryReferencesProblemsChapter 13: Footings13.1 Introduction13.2 Types of Footings13.3 Distribution of Soil Pressure13.4 Design Considerations13.5 Plain Concrete Footings13.6 Combined Footings13.7 Footings Under Eccentric Column Loads13.8 Footings Under Biaxial Moment13.9 Slabs On Ground13.10 Footings On Piles13.11 SI EquationsSummaryReferencesProblemChapter 14: Retaining Walls14.1 Introduction14.2 Types of Retaining Walls14.3 Forces on Retaining Walls14.4 Active and Passive Soil Pressures14.5 Effect of Surcharge14.6 Friction on the Retaining Wall Base14.7 Stability Against Overturning14.8 Proportions of Retaining Walls14.9 Design Requirements14.10 Drainage14.11 Basement WallsSummaryReferencesProblemsChapter 15: Design for Torsion15.1 Introduction15.2 Torsional Moments in Beams15.3 Torsional Stresses15.4 Torsional Moment in Rectangular Sections15.5 Combined Shear and Torsion15.6 Torsion Theories for Concrete Members15.7 Torsional Strength of Plain Concrete Members15.8 Torsion in Reinforced Concrete Members (ACI CodeProcedure)15.9 Summary of ACI Code ProceduresSummaryReferencesProblemsChapter 16: Continuous Beams and Frames16.1 Introduction16.2 Maximum Moments in Continuous Beams16.3 Building Frames16.4 Portal Frames16.5 General Frames16.6 Design of Frame Hinges16.7 Introduction to Limit Design16.8 The Collapsec Mechanism16.9 Principles of Limit Design16.10 Upper and Lower Bounds of Load Factors16.11 Limit Analysis16.12 Rotation of Plastic Hinges16.13 Summary of Limit Design Procedure16.14 Moment Redistribution of Maximum Negative or Positive Momentsin Continuous BeamsSummaryReferencesProblemsChapter 17: Design of Two–Way Slabs17.1 Introduction17.2 Types of Two–Way Slabs17.3 Economical Choice of Concrete Floor Systems17.4 Design Concepts17.5 Column and Middle Strips17.6 Minimum Slab Thickness to Control Deflection17.7 Shear Strength of Slabs17.8 Analysis of Two–Way Slabs by the Direct Design Method17.9 Design Moments in Columns17.10 Transfer of Unbalanced Moments to Columns17.11 Waffle Slabs17.12 Equivalent Frame MethodSummaryReferencesProblemsChapter 18: Stairs18.1 Introduction18.2 Types of Stairs18.3 ExamplesSummaryReferencesProblemsChapter 19: Introduction to Prestressed Concrete19.1 Prestressed Concrete19.2 Materials and Serviceability Requirements19.3 Loss of Prestress19.4 Analysis of Flexural Members19.5 Design of Flexural Members19.6 Cracking Moment19.7 Deflection19.8 Design for Shear19.9 Preliminary Design of Prestressed Concrete FlexuralMembers19.10 End–Block StressesSummaryReferencesProblemsChapter 20: Seismic Design of Reinforced ConcreteStructures20.1 Introduction20.2 Seismic Design Category20.3 Analysis Procedures20.4 Load Combinations20.5 Special Requirements in Design of Structures Subjected toEarthquake LoadsReferencesProblemsChapter 21: Beams Curved in Plan21.1 Introduction21.2 Uniformly Loaded Circular Beams21.3 Semicircular Beam Fixed at End Supports21.4 Fixed–End Semicircular Beam under Uniform Loading21.5 Circular Beam Subjected to Uniform Loading21.6 Circular Beam Subjected to a Concentrated Load atMidspan21.7 V–Shape Beams Subjected to Uniform Loading21.8 V–Shape Beams Subjected to a Concentrated Load at theCenterline of the BeamSummaryReferencesProblemsChapter 22: Prestressed Concrete Bridge Design Based on AASHTOLRFD Bridge Design Specifications22.1 Introduction22.2 Typical Cross Sections22.3 Design Philosophy of AASHTO Specificatioins22.4 Load Factors and Combinations (AASHTO 3.4)22.5 Gravity Loads22.6 Design for Flexural and Axial Force Effects (AASHTO 5.7)22.7 Design for Shear (AASHTO 5.8)22.8 Loss of Prestress (AASHTO 5.9.5)22.9 Deflections (AASHTO 23: Review Problems on Concrete BuildingComponentsChapter 24: Design and Analysis FlowchartsAppendix A: Design Tables (U.S. Customary Units)Appendix B: Design Tables (SI Units)Appendix C: Structural Aids
- ISBN: 978-1-118-76781-8
- Editorial: John Wiley & Sons
- Encuadernacion: Cartoné
- Páginas: 1072
- Fecha Publicación: 29/04/2015
- Nº Volúmenes: 1
- Idioma: Inglés