A must–have textbook for any undergraduate studying solid statephysics.This successful brief course in solid state physics is now in itssecond edition. The clear and concise introduction not onlydescribes all the basic phenomena and concepts, but also suchadvanced issues as magnetism and superconductivity. Each sectionstarts with a gentle introduction, covering basic principles,progressing to a more advanced level in order to present acomprehensive overview of the subject. The book is providingqualitative discussions that help undergraduates understandconcepts even if they can?t follow all the mathematicaldetail.The revised edition has been carefully updated to present anup–to–date account of the essential topics and recent developmentsin this exciting field of physics. The coverage now includesground–breaking materials with high relevance for applications incommunication and energy, like graphene and topological insulators,as well as transparent conductors.The text assumes only basic mathematical knowledge on the part ofthe reader and includes more than 100 discussion questions and some70 problems, with solutions free to lecturers from the Wiley–VCHwebsite. The author?s webpage provides Online Notes on x–rayscattering, elastic constants, the quantum Hall effect, tightbinding model, atomic magnetism, and topological insulators.This new edition includes the following updates and newfeatures:? Expanded coverage of mechanical properties of solids, includingan improved discussion of the yield stress? Crystal structure, mechanical properties, and band structure ofgraphene? The coverage of electronic properties of metals is expanded by asection on the quantum hall effect including exercises. New topicsinclude the tight–binding model and an expanded discussion on Blochwaves. ? With respect to semiconductors, the discussion of solar cells hasbeen extended and improved.? Revised coverage of magnetism, with additional material on atomicmagnetism? More extensive treatment of finite solids and nanostructures, nowincluding topological insulators? Recommendations for further reading have been updated andincreased.? New exercises on Hall mobility, light penetrating metals, bandstructure INDICE: Preface..CRYSTAL STRUCTURES.General Description of Crystal Structures.Some Important Crystal Structures.Crystal Structure Determination.Further Reading.Discussion and Problems..BONDING IN SOLIDS.Attractive and Repulsive Forces.Ionic Bonding.Covalent Bonding.Metallic Bonding.Hdrogen Bonding.van der Waals Bonding.Further Reading.Discussion and Problems..MECHANICAL PROPERTIES.Elastic Deformation.Plastic Deformation.Fracture.Further Reading.Discussion and Problems..THERMAL PROPERTIES OF THE LATTICE.Lattice Vibrations.Heat Capacity of the Lattice.Thermal Conductivity.Thermal Expansion.Allotropic Phase Transitions and Melting.Further Reading.Discussion and Problems..ELECTRONIC PROPERTIES OF METALS: CLASSICAL APPROACH.Basic Assumptions of the Drude Model.Results from the Drude Model.Shortcomings of the Drude Model.Further Reading.Discussion and Problems..ELECTRONIC PROPERTIES OF SOLIDS: QUANTUM MECHANICAL APPROACH.The Idea of Energy Bands.Free Electron Model.The General Form of the Electronic States.Nearly Free Electron Model.Tight–Binding Model.Energy Bands in Real Solids.Transport Properties.Brief Review of Some Key Ideas.Further Reading.Discussion and Problems..SEMICONDUCTORS.Intrinsic Semiconductors.Doped Semiconductors.Conductivity and Semiconductors.Semiconductor Devices.Further Reading.Discussion and Problems..MAGNETISM.Macroscopic Description.Quantum Mechaical Description of Magnetism.Paramagnetism and Diamagnetism in Atoms.Weak Magnetism in Solids.Magnetic Ordering.Further Reading.Discussion and Problems..DIELECTRICS.Macroscopic Description.Microscopic Polarization.The Local Field.Frequency Dependence of the Dielectric Constant.Other Effects.Further Reading.Discussion and Problems..SUPERCONDUCTIVITY.Basic Experimental Facts.Some Theoretical Aspects.Experimental Detection of the Gap.Coherence of the Superconducting State.Type I and Type II Superconductors.High–Temperature Superconductivity.Concluding Remarks.Further Reading.Discusson and Problems..FINITE SOLIDS AND NANOSTRUCTURES.Quantum Confinement.Surfaces and Interfaces.Magnetism on the Nanoscale.Further Reading .Discussion and Problems..APPENDIX.Explicit Forms of Vector Operations.Differential Form of the Maxwell Equations.Maxwell Equations in Matter..Index
- ISBN: 978-3-527-41282-2
- Editorial: Wiley VCH
- Encuadernacion: Rústica
- Páginas: 264
- Fecha Publicación: 22/04/2015
- Nº Volúmenes: 1
- Idioma: Inglés