Liberating passion: how the world's best global leaders produce winning results
Khan, Omar
Brown, Paul B.
INDICE: Introduction: The Passion Problem In the introduction we will explain the 'passion for passion' in management literature and throughout global businesses. We will explain how passion is a natural endowment and its absence is unnatural. We will also look at the danger of having people operating at half-mast, depleted of energy and passionate focus. Chapter 1: Killing Me Softly... The real question then is not how do you build passion, but rather how you kill it. We'll itemize some of the quintessential passion killers and showcasethrough global examples how these passion killers play out - often with heart-wrenching and profit-depleting consequences. Chapter 2: Why Companies Really Underperform The ultimate passion killer is dysfunctional relationships. Take apart virtually any corporate pathology and lurking just underneath is a failure of trust, of interaction, of candid exchange, of collaboration, of alignment. We'll show how classic corporate bottlenecks in the areas of strategy, marketing, organizational restructuring, talent management and more really come down to how well we connect with and relate to each other. Chapter 3: Passion Builder One -- Into Me See The first way to rekindle passion, the first passion builder is intimacy. This isn't a sensitivity group we're advocating, but rather hard as nails reality. We can't support each other if we don't know and trust each other. The three open sesames here are 'masks', 'monsters' and 'defenses'. Research and experience clearly show that only when we have valued relationships at work do we feel fully engaged and 'on'. Chapter 4: Passion Builder Two -- The Right Bullseyes The trust and authenticity we build allows us to focus our energies outward, rather than continuously inward. When energies are available to deliver value out in the marketplace, we have to ensure we are taking aim at the right bullseyes, in terms of vision, strategy, 'must win battles', and daily bold courageous steps required to deliver them. We have to ensure these bullseyes are both clear, vitalize each person's contribution, and arewhat we measure and reward. Chapter 5: Passion Builder Three -- Radical Conversations As we embark on delivering these ultimate aims and daily commitments,we will have to enroll others, generate ideas, strategically influence people, and engage bosses/peers/direct reports. This requires the ability to frame, prepare and conduct what we call 'radical' conversations. These are conversations that go to the root of an issue and are 'brave', 'creative' and 'constructive'. The quality of our conversations is to a large extent the quality of ourrelationshipswhich we have already argued underpins our long-term success. Chapter 6: Passion Builder Four -- Protecting Possibility We have to manage energy, confidence and the will to win. Passion is often killed when we don't affirm what is working, when we don't celebrate progress, when we don't mentor andcheer the achievement of milestones. It is equally important to ask for perennial dissatisfaction with the status quo, to keep raising the barhowever the sequencing is critical. By first learning how to give meaningful and enliveningappreciation as a way of life, we then give people the courage to interrogatepossibility as well as reality and take aim at ever larger futures and results. Chapter 7: Passion Builder Five -- Provoking the Future When the future is no bigger than our past OR our present, passion is hard to sustain much less to renew. Great companies and leaders are continually helping people challenge their current assumptions, escape from deadening paradigms, and use daily interactions as a greenhouse for the future. Using future provocation we take a stand for a precedent-shattering future and re-invent ourselves, our processes and our systems to enable it. Chapter 8: Passion Builder Six -- Claiming Accountability We all need to express our own commitment; we need to volunteer as leaders within what Covey has called our 'circle of influence'. That jolts us out of complacency and liberates both pent up potential and passion. This requires a powerful coaching framework with the key people we interact with that is future-focused, possibility-endowing, anchored in critical results, and which spells out personal accountability and action. Chapter 9: Passion Builder Seven -- Living Credibility A winning culture makes passion natural. A culture is essentially how we behave and how we interact with each other. It is our 'habits of the heart' as expressed in concrete, consistent action. What a successful culture endows us with is mutual credibility. Here, we unpack credibility into a set of habits, a 'code of honor' that everyone can be measured by, everyone can be encouraged to live into, and which becomes a citizenship requirementso that we don't become each other's passion killers. Chapter 10: Passion Builder Eight -- Growing Your Brand Tom Peters among others has continued to remind us that we have to become living brands. How do we do it? We look at why weover-empower our bosses, and how to reclaim our own lives, destinies and brands and sculpt a future we can significantly influence. We will also look at the ultimate motivationone we can generate and which will propel us on a trajectory of excellence, self-respect and bubbling excitement. Chapter 11: Passion Builder Nine -- Ask Yourself First As leaders we have to ensure we don't becomepassion killers for those we lead and interact with. This is the essential discipline. Namely that we model and subject ourselves to what we are asking from others. We learn to first demonstrate what we are advocating. This will giveus compassion for the challenge inherent in what we're championing, as well as real conviction that it can be done. We will showcase through various globalexperiences how powerful this passion builder can be in transforming teams and organizations. Chapter 12: Passion Builder Ten -- Flow from Feedback People curiously keep saying that feedback is dangerous. Whether letting people know how a company is doing, getting 360 feedback, speaking out, etc. How did we develop this crazy relationship to feedback? How can we recreate feedback as a mechanism for getting us into flow - that state in which we are passionate about our performance, and we improve results by immersing ourselves whole-heartedly into what we're doing. Chapter 13: How Relationships Liberate Passion and Transform Opportunity Earlier we showed how dysfunctional relationships are at the root of virtually every corporate malady. Now having gone through the passion-builders, we'll show how healthy, constructive, growth-fostering relationships literally transform our conception of strategy, execution and even culture-building. Chapter 14: Making it Happen The road to hell is paved with good intentions. We've seen some leaders put all of this together, and others agree with it all intellectually, but belly flop when trying to implement it. We'll explain how to make any overall change initiative work, anchored in the above insights. We'll also provide a simple but powerful implementation plan for bringing these passion-builders online in your company and team and to transform both relationships and results measurablyFAST!
- ISBN: 978-0-470-82313-2
- Editorial: John Wiley & Sons
- Encuadernacion: Rústica
- Páginas: 200
- Fecha Publicación: 30/03/2008
- Nº Volúmenes: 1
- Idioma: Inglés