The Seventh Edition of David Newman’s bestselling Sociology once again invites students into the world of sociological thought, encouraging them to think less about the next test and more about how sociology applies to their everydaylives. In addition to updated coverage and fresh examples, this edition features revamped micro-macro connections that have been even further honed to helpstudents understand the link between individual lives and the structure of society. There is also a strengthened research methods section with a focus on ‘doing social research’ and a new chapter on globalization. INDICE: About the Author Preface Acknowledgments PART I THE INDIVIDUAL ANDSOCIETY 1 Taking a New Look at a Familiar World Sociology and the Individual The Insights of Sociology The Sociological Imagination Aemile Durkheim: A Sociological View of Suicide Conclusion YOUR TURN CHAPTER HIGHLIGHTS KEY TERMS 2 Seeing and Thinking Sociologically How Individuals Structure Society Social Influence: The Impact of Other People in Our Everyday Lives Stanley Milgram: Ordinary People and Cruel Acts Societal Influence: The Effect of Social Structure on Our Everyday Lives Statuses and Roles Groups Organizations Marion Nestle: The Economics and Politics of Food Culture Values Micro-Macro Connection: Family Privacy Versus Children's Welfare Norms Social Structure in Global Context Visual Essay: The Old Ball Game Three Perspectives on Social Order The Structural-Functionalist Perspective The Conflict Perspective Symbolic Interactionism Conclusion YOUR TURN CHAPTER HIGHLIGHTS KEY TERMS STUDY SITE ON THE WEB PART II THE CONSTRUCTION OF SELF AND SOCIETY 3 Building Reality: The Social Construction of Knowledge Understanding the Social Construction of Reality Laying the Foundation: The Bases of Reality Culture and Language Micro-Macro Connection: The Language of War Self- Fulfilling Prophecies Faith and Incorrigible Propositions Hugh Mehan and Houston Wood: The Infallible Oracle Building the Walls: Conflict, Power, and Social Institutions The Economics of Reality The Politics of Reality The Medium Is the Message Moral Entrepreneurs Appreciating the Contributions of Sociological Research Visual Essay: Personal Billboards The Empirical Nature of Sociological Research Qualitative and Quantitative Research Theories, Variables, and Hypotheses Modes of Research Experiments Field Research Surveys Unobtrusive Research The Trustworthiness of Social Research Samples Indicators Values, Interests, and Ethics in Sociological Research Laud Humphreys: The Tearoom Trade Conclusion YOUR TURN CHAPTER HIGHLIGHTS KEY TERMS STUDY SITE ON THE WEB 4 Building Order: Culture and History Dimensions of Culture Material and Nonmaterial Culture Micro-Macro Connection: The Chair Global Culture Subcultures and Countercultures History: The "Archives" for Everyday Living Cultural Expectations and Social Order Micro-Macro Connection: Can You Hear Me Now? Social Institutions and Cultural Norms Institutionalized Emotions Norms and Sanctions Cultural Relativism and Ethnocentrism Cultural Variation and Everyday Experience Health and Illness Sex Visual Essay: Funeral Rituals in the Netherlands Conclusion YOUR TURN CHAPTER HIGHLIGHTS KEY TERMS STUDY SITE ON THE WEB 5 Building Identity: Socialization Social Structure and the Construction ofHuman Beings Socialization: Becoming Who We Are The Acquisition of Self The Differentiation of Self Language Acquisition and the Looking-Glass Self The Development of Role Taking Resocialization Spencer Cahill: The Professional Socialization of Funeral Directors The Self in Cultural Context Socialization and Stratification: Growing Up With Inequality Social Class Race and Ethnicity Gender Micro-Macro Connection: Girls' Toys and Boys' Toys Institutions and Socialization Education Visual Essay: Becoming a Mariner Religion Mass Media Conclusion YOUR TURN CHAPTER HIGHLIGHTS KEY TERMS STUDY SITE ON THE WEB 6 Supporting Identity: The Presentation of Self Forming Impressions of Others Social Group Membership Physical Appearance Micro-Macro Connection: Sizing People Up Verbal and Nonverbal Expression Managing Impressions Visual Essay: Image Making The Illusion of Youth Political Portraits Dramaturgy: Actors on a Social Stage Front Stage and Back Stage Peter Ubel: Elevator Talk Among Doctors and Nurses Props Social Influences on Impression Management Race and Ethnicity Elijah Anderson: Streetwise Social Status Collective Impression Management Mismanaging Impressions: Spoiled Identities Embarrassment Remedies for Spoiled Identities Stigma Conclusion YOUR TURN CHAPTER HIGHLIGHTS KEY TERMS STUDY SITE ON THE WEB 7 Building Social Relationships: Intimacy and Families Life With Others Social Diversity and Intimate Choices Religious Endogamy Racial and Ethnic Endogamy Social Class Endogamy Visual Essay: The Blending of America: Mixed Race Family Life Defining Family Historical Trends in Family Life Trends in Family Structure Trends in Household Size Trends in Divorce Cultural Variation in Intimacy and Family Family and Social Structure How Other Institutions Influence Family TheInfluence of Law and Politics The Influence of Religion The Influence of Economics Micro-Macro Connection: Dual-Earner Parents How Social Diversity Influences Family Mary Pattillo-McCoy: Privilege and Peril in Middle-Class Black Families Family Challenges Divorce The Normalization of Divorce Children, Divorce,and Single Parenting Remarriage and Stepfamilies Family Violence Intimate Partner Violence Child Abuse Family Violence in Cultural Context Personal and Institutional Responses to Intimate Violence Conclusion YOUR TURN CHAPTER HIGHLIGHTS KEY TERMS STUDY SITE ON THE WEB 8 Constructing Difference: Social DevianceDefining Deviance Absolutist Definitions of Deviance Relativist Definitions of Deviance The Elements of Deviance Visual Essay: A Culture of Tramps Micro-Macro Connection: Sexual Abuse and the Clergy Explaining Deviant Behavior Deterring Deviance Labeling Deviants Nancy Herman: Becoming an Ex-Crazy Linking Power, Deviance, and Social Control The Criminalization of Deviance The Social Reality of Crime Corporate and White Collar Crime The Menace of "Illegal" Drugs The Medicalization of Deviance Individualizing Complex Social Issues Micro-Macro Connection: The Pharmaceutical Personality Depoliticizing Deviance Conclusion YOUR TURN CHAPTER HIGHLIGHTS KEY TERMS STUDY SITE ON THE WEB PART III SOCIALSTRUCTURE, INSTITUTIONS, AND EVERYDAY LIFE 9 The Structure of Society: Organizations, Social Institutions, and Globalization Social Structure and Everyday Life Social Dilemmas: Individual Interests and Structural Needs The Tragedy ofthe Commons The Free-Rider Problem Solutions to Social Dilemmas The Structureof Formal Organizations Bureaucracies: Playing by the Rules George Ritzer: The McDonaldization of Society The Hierarchical Makeup of Organizations The Upper Echelons The Middle Ground The Lower Echelons The Construction of Organizational Reality Organizations and Institutions Organizational Networks Within Institutions Micro-Macro Connection: The U.S. Health Care System Institutional Pressures Toward Similarity Globalization and Social Institutions Economics Education Visual Essay: The Trail of the Tomato Religion Conclusion YOUR TURN CHAPTER HIGHLIGHTS KEY TERMS STUDY SITE ON THE WEB 10 The Architecture of Stratification: Social Class and Inequality Stratification Systems Slavery Micro-MacroConnection: Buying and Selling Humans Caste System Estate Systems Social Class Systems Sociological Perspectives on Stratification The Structural-Functionalist View of Stratification The Conflict View of Stratification The Marxian Class Model A Neo-Marxian Model of Stratification Weber's Model of Stratification Class Inequality in the United States Class and Everyday Life Class Distinctions The Upper Class The Middle Class The Working Class Mike Rose: The Mind atWork The Poor Micro-Macro Connection: Out on the Street What Poverty Means inthe United States The Poverty Line The Near-Poor The Poverty Rate Why PovertyPersists Enduring Disparities in Income and Wealth The Social "Benefits" of Poverty The Ideology of Competitive Individualism The Culture of Poverty GlobalDevelopment and Inequality The Global Economic Gap Micro-Macro Connection: The Global Health Divide Explanations for Global Stratification Global FinancialOrganizations Multinational Corporations Conclusion YOUR TURN CHAPTER HIGHLIGHTS KEY TERMS STUDY SITE ON THE WEB.. etc.
- ISBN: 978-1-4129-6152-3
- Editorial: Sage Publications
- Encuadernacion: Rústica
- Páginas: 520
- Fecha Publicación: 01/03/2008
- Nº Volúmenes: 1
- Idioma: Inglés