Plasma chemistry and catalysis in gases and liquids
Parvulescu, Vasile I.
Magureanu, Monica
Lukes, Petr
Filling the gap for a book that not only covers gases but also plasma methodsin liquids, this is all set to become the standard reference on the topic. Itconsiders the central aspects in plasma chemistry and plasma catalysis by focusing on the green and environmental applications, while also taking into account their practical and economic viability. With the topics addressed by an international group of major experts, this is a must-have for researchers, PhD students and postdocs specializing in the field. INDICE: Preface XIIIList of Contributors XVII1 An Introduction to Nonequilibrium Plasmas at Atmospheric Pressure 1Sander Nijdam, Eddie van Veldhuizen, Peter Bruggeman, and Ute Ebert1.1 Introduction 11.1.1 Nonthermal Plasmas and Electron Energy Distributions 11.1.2 Barrier and Corona Streamer Discharges Discharges at Atmospheric Pressure 21.1.3 Other Nonthermal Discharge Types Transition to Sparks, Arcs, or Leaders 41.1.4 Microscopic Discharge Mechanisms Bulk Ionization Mechanisms Surface Ionization Mechanisms61.1.5 Chemical Activity 61.1.6 Diagnostics 81.2 Coronas and Streamers 91.2.1Occurrence and Applications 91.2.2 Main Properties of Streamers 111.2.3 Streamer Initiation or Homogeneous Breakdown 141.2.4 Streamer Propagation Sources for Positive Streamers 151.2.5 Initiation Cloud, Primary, Secondary, and Late Streamers 161.2.6 Streamer Branching and Interaction 181.3 Glow Discharges at Higher Pressures 201.3.1 Introduction 201.3.2 Properties 211.3.3 Studies 221.3.4 Instabilities 251.4 Dielectric Barrier and Surface Discharges 261.4.1 Basic Geometries 261.4.2 Main Properties 291.4.3 Surface Discharges and Packed Beds 301.4.4 Applications of Barrier Discharges 311.5 Gliding Arcs 321.6 Concluding Remarks 34References 342 Catalysts Used in Plasma-AssistedCatalytic Processes: Preparation, Activation, and Regeneration 45Vasile I. Parvulescu2.1 Introduction 452.2 Specific Features Generated by Plasma-Assisted Catalytic Applications 462.3 Chemical Composition and Texture 472.4 Methodologies Used for the Preparation of Catalysts for Plasma-Assisted Catalytic Reactions 492.4.1 Oxides and Oxide Supports 492.4.1.1 Al2O3 492.4.1.2 SiO2 502.4.1.3TiO2 512.4.1.4 ZrO2 522.4.2 Zeolites 522.4.2.1 Metal-Containing Molecular Sieves 532.4.3 Active Oxides 552.4.4 Mixed Oxides 562.4.4.1 Intimate Mixed Oxides562.4.4.2 Perovskites 562.4.5 Supported Oxides 592.4.5.1 Metal Oxides on Metal Foams and Metal Textiles 612.4.6 Metal Catalysts 622.4.6.1 Embedded Nanoparticles 622.4.6.2 Catalysts Prepared via Electroplating 622.4.6.3 Catalysts Prepared via Chemical Vapor Infiltration 642.4.6.4 Metal Wires 642.4.6.5 SupportedMetals 652.4.6.6 Supported Noble Metals 662.5 Catalysts Forming 672.5.1 Tableting 672.5.2 Spherudizing 692.5.3 Pelletization 692.5.4 Extrusion 702.5.5 Foams 722.5.6 Metal Textile Catalysts 732.6 Regeneration of the Catalysts Used in Plasma Assisted Reactions 732.7 Plasma Produced Catalysts and Supports 742.7.1Sputtering 762.8 Conclusions 76References 773 NOx Abatement by Plasma Catalysis 89G´erald Dj´ega-Mariadassou, Fran¸cois Baudin, Ahmed Khacef, and Patrick Da Costa3.1 Introduction 893.1.1 Why Nonthermal Plasma-Assisted Catalytic NOx Remediation? 893.2 General deNOx Model over Supported Metal Cations and Role of NTP Reactor: ‘‘Plasma-Assisted Catalytic deNOx Reaction’’ 903.3 About the Nonthermal Plasma for NOx Remediation 963.3.1 The Nanosecond Pulsed DBD Reactor Coupled with a Catalytic deNOx Reactor: a Laboratory Scale Device Easily Scaled Up at Pilot Level 973.3.2 Nonthermal Plasma Chemistry and Kinetics 1003.3.3 Plasma Energy Deposition and Energy Cost 1023.4 Special Application of NTP to Catalytic Oxidation of Methane on Alumina-Supported Noble Metal Catalysts 1053.4.1 Effect of DBD on the Methane Oxidation in Combined Heat Power (CHP) Conditions 1063.4.1.1 Effect of DielectricMaterial on Methane Oxidation 1063.4.1.2 Effect of Water on Methane Conversion as a Function of Energy Deposition 1063.4.2 Effect of Catalyst Composition on Methane Conversion as a Function of Energy Deposition 1073.4.2.1 Effect of the Support on Plasma-Catalytic Oxidation of Methane 1073.4.2.2 Effect of the Noble Metals on Plasma-Catalytic Oxidation of Methane in the Absence of Water in the Feed 1083.4.2.3 Influence of Water on the Plasma-Assisted Catalytic Methane Oxidation in CHP Conditions 1093.4.3 Conclusions 1113.5 NTP-Assisted Catalytic NOx Remediation from Lean Model Exhausts Gases 1123.5.1 Consumption of Oxygenates and RNOx from Plasma during the Reduction of NOx According to the Function F3: Plasma-Assisted Propene-deNOx in the Presence of Ce0.68Zr0.32O2 1123.5.1.1 Conversion of NOx and Total HC versus Temperature (Light-Off Plot) 1123.5.1.2 GC/MS Analysis 1133.5.2 The NTP is Able to Significantly Increase the deNOx Activity, Extend the Operating Temperature Window while Decreasing the Reaction Temperature 1143.5.2.1 TPD of NO for Prediction of the deNOx Temperature over Alumina without Plasma 1153.5.2.2 Coupling of a NTP Reactor with a Catalyst (Alumina) Reactor for Catalytic-Assisted deNOx 1163.5.3 Concept of a ‘‘Composite’’ Catalyst Able to Extend the deNOx Operating Temperature Window 1173.5.4 Propene-deNOx on the ‘‘Al2O3 /// RhPd/Ce0.68Zr0.32O2 /// Ag/Ce0.68Zr0.32O2’’ Composite Catalyst 1183.5.4.1 NOx and C3H6 Global Conversion versus Temperature 1183.5.4.2 GC/MS Analysisof Gas Compounds at the Outlet of the Catalyst Reactor 1193.5.5 NTP Assisted Catalytic deNOx Reaction in the Presence of a Multireductant Feed: NO (500 ppm), Decane (1100 ppmC), Toluene (450 ppmC), Propene (400 ppmC), and Propane (150 ppmC), O2 (8% vol), Ar (Balance) 1193.5.5.1 Conversion of NOx and Global HC versus Temperature 1193.5.5.2 GC/MS Analysis of Products at the Outlet of Associated Reactors 1203.6 Conclusions 124Acknowledgments 125References 1254 VOC Removal from Air by Plasma-Assisted Catalysis-Experimental Work 131Monica Magureanu4.1 Introduction 1314.1.1 Sources of VOC Emission in the Atmosphere 1314.1.2 Environmental and Health Problems Related to VOCs 1324.1.3 Techniques for VOC Removal 1334.1.3.1 Thermal Oxidation 1334.1.3.2 Catalytic Oxidation 1344.1.3.3 Photocatalysis 1344.1.3.4 Adsorption 1354.1.3.5 Absorption 1354.1.3.6 Biofiltration 1354.1.3.7 Condensation 1364.1.3.8 Membrane Separation 1364.1.3.9 Plasma and Plasma Catalysis 1364.2 Plasma-Catalytic Hybrid Systems for VOC Decomposition 1374.2.1 Nonthermal Plasma Reactors 1374.2.2 Considerations on Process Selectivity 1394.2.3 Types of Catalysts 1404.2.4 Single-Stage Plasma-Catalytic Systems 1414.2.5 Two-Stage Plasma-Catalytic Systems 1414.3 VOC Decomposition in Plasma-Catalytic Systems 1424.3.1 Results Obtained in Single-Stage Plasma-Catalytic Systems 1424.3.2 Results Obtained in Two-Stage Plasma-Catalytic Systems 1504.3.3 Effect of VOC Chemical Structure 1544.3.4 Effect of ExperimentalConditions 1554.3.4.1 Effect of VOC Initial Concentration 1554.3.4.2 Effect of Humidity 1554.3.4.3 Effect of Oxygen Partial Pressure 1564.3.4.4 Effect of Catalyst Loading 1574.3.5 Combination of Plasma Catalysis and Adsorption 1594.3.6 Comparison between Catalysis and Plasma Catalysis 1604.3.7 Comparison between Single-Stage and Two-Stage Plasma Catalysis 1614.3.8 Reaction By-Products 1624.3.8.1 Organic By-Products 1624.3.8.2 Inorganic By-Products 1634.4 Concluding Remarks 164References 1655 VOC Removal from Air by Plasma-Assisted Catalysis: Mechanisms, Interactions between Plasma and Catalysts 171Christophe Leys and Rino Morent5.1 Introduction 1715.2 Influence of the Catalyst in the Plasma Processes 1725.2.1 Physical Properties of the Discharge 1725.2.2 Reactive Species Production 1745.3 Influence of the Plasma on the Catalytic Processes 1745.3.1 Catalyst Properties 1745.3.2 Adsorption 1755.4 Thermal Activation 1775.5 Plasma-Mediated Activation of Photocatalysts 1785.6 Plasma-Catalytic Mechanisms 179References 1806 Elementary Chemical and Physical Phenomena in Electrical Discharge Plasma in GasLiquid Environments and in Liquids 185Bruce R. Locke, Petr Lukes, and Jean-Louis Brisset6.1 Introduction 1856.2 Physical Mechanisms of Generation of Plasma in GasLiquid Environments and Liquids 1886.2.1 Plasma Generation in Gas Phase with Water Vapor 1886.2.2 Plasma Generation in GasLiquid Systems 1896.2.2.1 Discharge over Water 1896.2.2.2 Discharge in Bubbles 1916.2.2.3 Discharge with Droplets and Particles 1926.2.3 Plasma Generation Directlyin Liquids 1936.3 Formation of Primary Chemical Species by Discharge Plasma in Contact with Water 1996.3.1 Formation of Chemical Species in Gas Phase with Water Vapor 1996.3.1.1 Gas-Phase Chemistry with Water Molecules 2016.3.1.2 Gas-Phase Chemistry with Water Molecules, Ozone, and Nitrogen Species 2066.3.2 Plasma-Chemical Reactions at GasLiquid Interface 2106.3.3 Plasma Chemistry Induced by Discharge Plasmas in Bubbles and Foams 2136.3.4 Plasma Chemistry Inducedby Discharge Plasmas in Water Spray and Aerosols 2156.4 Chemical Processes Induced by Discharge Plasma Directly in Water 2176.4.1 Reaction Mechanisms of Water Dissociation by Discharge Plasma in Water 2176.4.2 Effect of Solution Properties and Plasma Characteristics on Plasma Chemical Processes in Water 2226.5Concluding Remarks 224Acknowledgments 224References 2257 Aqueous-Phase Chemistry of Electrical Discharge Plasma in Water and in GasLiquid Environments 243Petr Lukes, Bruce R. Locke, and Jean-Louis Brisset7.1 Introduction 2437.2 Aqueous-Phase Plasmachemical Reactions 2437.2.1 AcidBase Reactions 2457.2.2 Oxidation Reactions 2517.2.2.1 Hydroxyl Radical 2527.2.2.2 Ozone 2537.2.2.3 Hydrogen Peroxide 2547.2.2.4 Peroxynitrite 2557.2.3 Reduction Reactions 2567.2.3.1 Hydrogen Radical 2567.2.3.2 Perhydroxyl/Superoxide Radical 2577.2.4 Photochemical Reactions 2577.3 Plasmachemical Decontamination of Water 2597.3.1 Aromatic Hydrocarbons 2607.3.1.1 Phenol 2607.3.1.2 Substituted Aromatic Hydrocarbons 2637.3.1.3 Polycyclic and Heterocyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons 2657.3.2 Organic Dyes 2677.3.2.1 Azo Dyes 2687.3.2.2 Carbonyl Dyes 2707.3.2.3 Aryl Carbonium Ion Dyes 2717.3.3 Aliphatic Compounds 2757.3.3.1 Methanol 2757.3.3.2 Dimethylsulfoxide 2777.3.3.3 Tetranitromethane 2797.4 Aqueous-Phase Plasma-Catalytic Processes2797.4.1 Iron 2807.4.1.1 Catalytic Cycle of Iron in Plasmachemical Degradation of Phenol 2827.4.2 Platinum 2847.4.2.1 The Role of Platinum as a Catalyst inFenton’s Reactio
- ISBN: 978-3-527-33006-5
- Editorial: Wiley-VCH
- Encuadernacion: Cartoné
- Páginas: 422
- Fecha Publicación: 13/06/2012
- Nº Volúmenes: 1
- Idioma: Inglés