Recent Advances in Polyphenol Research, Volume 5

Recent Advances in Polyphenol Research, Volume 5

Quideau, Stephane
Yoshida, Kumi

195,00 €(IVA inc.)

Plant polyphenols are secondary metabolites that constitute one of the most common and widespread groups of natural products. They express a large and diverse panel of biological activities including beneficial effects on both plants and humans. Many polyphenols, from their structurally simplest representatives to their oligo/polymeric versions (also referred to as vegetable tannins), are notably known as phytoestrogens, plant pigments, potent antioxidants, and protein interacting agents. Sponsored by the scholarly society Groupe Polyphénols, this publication, which is the fifth volume in this highly regarded Recent Advances in Polyphenol Research series, is edited by Kumi Yoshida, Véronique Cheynier and Stéphane Quideau. They have once again, like their predecessors, put together an impressive collection of cutting–edge chapters written by expert scientists, internationally respected in their respective field of polyphenol sciences. This Volume 5 highlights some of the latest information and opinion on the following major research topics about polyphenols:    Chemistry, physicochemistry & materials science  Biosynthesis, genetic & metabolic engineering  Plant & ecosystem, lignocellulosic biomass  Food, nutrition & health  Natural medicine & Kampo  Tannins & their functions Chemists, biochemists, plant scientists, pharmacognosists and pharmacologists, biologists, ecologists, food scientists and nutritionists will all find this book an invaluable resource. Libraries in all universities and research institutions where these disciplines are studied and taught should have copies on their bookshelves.  INDICE: Contributors xii .Preface xv .1 The Physical Chemistry of Polyphenols: Insights in the Activity of Polyphenols in Humans at the Molecular Level 1 Olivier Dangles , Claire Dufour, Claire Tonnelé and Patrick Trouillas .1.1 Introduction 2 .1.2 Molecular complexation of polyphenols 4 .1.2.1 Polyphenol – protein binding 4 . Interactions in the digestive tract 5 . Interactions beyond intestinal absorption 6 .1.2.2 Interactions with membranes 9 .1.3 Polyphenols as electron donors 12 .1.3.1 The physico–chemical bases of polyphenol–to–ROS electron transfer 13 . Thermodynamics descriptors 13 . Kinetics of hydrogen atom transfer 15 . Kinetics and mechanisms 17 .1.3.2 ROS scavenging by polyphenols in the gastro–intestinal tract 22 .1.4 Polyphenols as ligands for metal ions 24 .1.4.1 Interactions of polyphenols with iron and copper ions 24 .1.4.2 A preliminary theoretical study of iron polyphenol binding 27 . Charge states, spin states and geometries 28 . Oxidation of the bideprotonated catechol 29 .1.5 Conclusions 29 .References 30 .2 Polyphenols in Bryophytes: Structures, Biological Activities, and Bio– and Total Syntheses X Yoshinori Asakawa .2.1 Introduction .2.2 Distribution of cyclic and acyclic bis–bibenzyls in Marchantiophyta (liverworts) .2.3 Biosynthesis of bis–bibenzyls .2.4 The Structures of bis–bibenzyls and their total synthesis .2.5 Biological activity of bis–bibenzyls .2.6 Conclusions .Acknowledgements .References .3 Oxidation Mechanism of Polyphenols and Chemistry of Black Tea X Yosuke Matsuo and Takashi Tanaka .3.1 Introduction .3.2 Catechin oxidation and production of theaflavins .3.3 Theasinensins .3.4 Coupled oxidation mechanism .3.5 Bicyclo[3.2.1]octane intermediates .3.6 Structures of catechin oxidation products .3.7 Oligomeric oxidation products .3.8 Conclusions .Acknowledgements .References .4 A Proteomic Based Quantitative Analysis of the Relationship between Monolignol Biosynthetic Protein Abundance and Lignin Content using Transgenic Populus trichocarpa Jack P. Wang, Sermsawat Tunlaya–Anukit, Rui Shi, Ting–Feng Yeh, Ling Chuang, Fikret Isik, Chenmin Yang, Jie Liu, Quanzi Li, Philip L. Loziuk, Punith P. Naik, David C. Muddiman, Joel J. Ducoste, Cranos M. Williams, Ronald R. Sederoff and Vincent L. Chiang .4.1 Introduction .4.2 Results .4.2.1 Production of transgenic trees downregulated for genes in monolignol biosynthesis .4.2.2 Absolute quantification of protein abundance .4.2.3 Variation in protein abundance in wildtype and transgenic plants .4.2.4 Variation in lignin content .4.2.5 Relationship of lignin content and protein abundance .4.3 Discussion .4.4 Materials and Methods .4.4.1 Production of transgenic trees .4.4.2 Proteomic analysis .4.4.3 Lignin quantification .4.4.4 Statistical analysis .References .5 Monolignol Biosynthesis and Regulation in Grasses Peng Xu and Laigeng Li .5.1 Introduction .5.2 Unique cell walls in grasses .5.3 Lignin deposition in grasses .5.4 Monolignol biosynthesis in grasses .5.4.1 Proposed pathway for monolignol biosynthesis .5.4.2 Monolignol biosynthetic genes in grasses .5.4.3 Functional genomics of monolignol biosynthesis in grass species .5.5 Regulation of monolignol biosynthesis in grasses .5.5.1 Lignin regulation in secondary cell wall biosynthesis .5.5.2 Repressor genes of monolignol biosynthesis in grasses .5.5.3 Regulation of monolignol biosynthesis under stress .5.6 Remarks .Acknowledgements .References .6 Creation of Flower Color Mutants using Ion Beams and a Comprehensive Analysis of Anthocyanin Composition and Genetic Background Yoshihiro Hase .6.1 Introduction .6.2 Induction of flower color mutants by ion beams .6.3 Mutagenic effects and the molecular nature of the mutations .6.4 Comprehensive analyses of flower color, pigments, and associated genes in fragrant cyclamen .6.5 Mutagenesis and screening .6.5.1 Yellow mutants .6.5.2 Red–purple mutants .6.5.3 White mutants .6.5.4 Deeper color mutants .6.6 Genetic background and the obtained mutants .6.7 Carnations with peculiar glittering colors .6.8 Conclusions .Acknowledgements .References .7 Flavonols Regulate Plant Growth and Development through Regulation of Auxin Transport and Cellular Redox Status Sheena R. Gayomba, Justin M. Watkins, and Gloria K. Muday .7.1 Introduction .7.2 The flavonoids and their biosynthetic pathway .7.3 Flavonoids affect root elongation and gravitropism through alteration of auxin transport .7.4 Mechanisms by which flavonols regulate IAA transport .7.5 Lateral root formation .7.6 Cotyledon, trichome, and root hair development .7.7 Inflorescence architecture .7.8 Fertility and pollen development .7.9 Flavonols modulate ROS signaling in guard cells to regulate stomatal aperture .7.10 Transcriptional machinery that controls synthesis of flavonoids .7.11 Hormonal controls of flavonoid synthesis .7.12 Flavonoid synthesis is regulated by light .7.13 Conclusions .Acknowledgements .References .8 Structure of Polyacylated Anthocyanins and Their UV Protective Effect Kumi Yoshida, Kin–ichi Oyama and Tadao Kondo .8.1 Introduction .8.2 Occurrence and structure of polyacylated anthocyanins in blue flowers .8.2.1 Searching for polyacylated anthocyanins .8.2.2 Isolation and structural determination of polyacylated anthocyanins . Structural determination of phacelianin and tecophilin .8.3 Molecular associations of polyacylated anthocyanins in blue flower petals .8.3.1 Intermolecular associations of anthocyanins .8.3.2 Intramolecular associations of anthocyanins .8.3.3 Co–existence of inter– and intramolecular associations involved in the blue coloration .8.4 UV protection of polyacylated anthocyanins from solar radiation .8.4.1 E,Z–isomerization of cinnamoyl derivative–residues in polyacylated anthocyanins .8.4.2 UV protective effect of polyacylated anthocyanins .8.5 Conclusions .References .9 The Involvement of Anthocyanin–rich Foods in Retinal Damage Kenjirou Ogawa and Hideaki Hara .9.1 Introduction .9.2 Anthocyanin–rich foods for eye health .9.3 Experimental models to mimic eye diseases and the effect of anthocyanin–rich foods .9.3.1 3–(4–morpholinyl) sydnonimine hydrochloride (SIN–1)–induced and N–methyl–D–aspartate receptor (NMDA)–induced retinal ganglion cell damage models to mimic glaucoma in vitro and in vivo .9.3.2 Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)–induced angiogenesis models that mimic diabetic retinopathy in vitro and in vivo .9.3.3 Light–induced retinal damage models to mimic AMD in vitro and in vivo .9.4 Conclusions .References .10 The involvement of anthocyanin–rich foods in retinal damage Takanori Tsuda .10.1 Introduction .10.2 Activation of AMPK and metabolic change .10.2.1 Activation of AMPK .10.2.2 Dietary factors that exert diabetes–preventing and suppressing effects through the activation of AMPK . Blueberry (bilberry) . Black soybean .10.3 GLP–1 action and diabetes prevention/suppression .10.3.1 GLP–1 action .10.3.2 Dietary factors which promote GLP–1 secretion . Curcumin . Edible young leaves of sweet potato (culinary sweet potato leaves) . Delphinidin 3–rutinoside (D3R) .10.4 Future issues and prospects .References .11 Beneficial Vascular Responses to Proanthocyanidins: Critical Assessment of Plant–Based Test Materials and Insight into the Signaling Pathways Herbert Kolodziej .11.1 Introduction .11.2 Appraisal of test materials .11.2.1 Analytical challenges of proanthocyanidin composition .11.2.2 Chemical data on proanthocyanidin–containing materials X .11.3 Endothelial dysfunction .11.4 In vitro test systems .11.5 Vasorelaxant mechanisms .11.5.1 Endothelium–dependent vasorelaxation .11.5.2 eNOS–NO–cGMP signaling pathway . Key role of the NO–cGMP signaling pathway . Activation of eNOS via the phosphatidylinositol–3–kinase (PI3K) /Akt pathway . Role of reactive oxygen species and redox–sensitive kinases .11.5.3 Eicosanoid–mediated vasorelaxation .11.5.4 Endothelium–derived hyperpolarizing signaling cascade . Modulation of K+ channel functions . Ca2+ signaling events and modulation of Ca2+ channel functions .11.6 Bioavailability and metabolic transformation: the missing link in the evidence to action in the body? .11.7 Conclusions .References .12 Polyphenols for brain and cognitive health Katherine H. Cox and Andrew Scholey .12.1 Introduction .12.2 Studies of total polyphenols and cognition .12.2.1 Tea .12.2.2 Cocoa .12.2.3 Wine and grapes .12.2.4 Soy .12.3 Pine bark .12.4 Discusion and conclusions .References .13 Curcumin and Cancer Metastasis Ikuo Saiki .13.1 Introduction .13.1.1. Anti–Metastatic mechanisms .13.1.2 Curcumin, a polyphenol from Curcuma Longa .13.2 Effects of curcumin on XXX .13.2.1 Effect of curcumin on the growth of the implanted HCC and intra–hepatic metastasis .13.2.2 Effect of curcumin on tumor invasion and expression of invasion–related molecules .13.2.3 Effect of curcumin on tumor cell adhesion to fibronectin, laminin and poly–L–lysine substrates .13.2.4 Effect of curcumin on the expression of some integrin subunits .13.2.5 Effect of curcumin on the haptotactic migration .13.2.6 Effect of curcumin on the formation of actin stress fibers .13.3 Title .13.3.1. Comparison of metastatic properties of Lewis lung carcinoma (LLC) and its metastatic variant cell line .13.3.2 Effect of curcumin on the growth of the inoculated tumor and lymph node metastasis of orthotopically implanted LLC cells .13.3.3 Combined effect of curcumin and CDDP (cis–diamine–dichloroplatinum) in the lung cancer model .13.3.4 Effect of curcumin on the growth and invasion of LLC cells in vitro .13.3.5 Anti–AP–1 transcriptional activity of curcumin in LLC cells .13.3.6 Effect of curcumin on the expression of mRNAs for u–PA and u–PAR in LLC .13.4 Title .13.4.1 Curcumin inhibits the formation of capillary–like tubes in rat lymphatic endothelial cells (TR–LE) .13.4.2 Inhibition of IKK is independent of the inhibitory effect of curcumin .13.4.3 Involvement of Akt s inhibition in curcumin s activities .13.4.4 Involvement of MMP–2 in lymphangiogenesis .13.5 Conclusions .References .14 Phytochemical and pharmacological overview of Cistanche species Hai–Ning Lv, Ke–Wu Zeng, Yue–Lin Song, Yong Jiang and Peng–Fei Tu .14.1 Introduction .14.2 Phytochemical composition of Cistanche species .14.2.1 Phenylethanoid glycosides (PhGs) .14.2.2 Benzyl glycosides .14.2.3 Iridoids .14.2.4 Monoterpenoids .14.2.5 Lignans .14.2.6 Polysaccharides .14.2.7 Other types of compounds .14.3 Bioactivitiesof the extracts and pure compounds from Cistanche species .14.3.1 Anti–oxidation .14.3.2 Neuroprotection . Anti–Parkinson s disease (PD) . Cognitive improvement . Sedation .14.3.3 Vasorelaxation .14.3.4 Anti–fatigue and longevity promotion .14.3.5 Anti–inflammation and immunoregulation .14.3.6 Anti–tumor .14.3.7 Defecation promotion .14.3.8 Hepatoprotection .14.3.9 Anti–myocardial ischemia .14.3.10 Radiation resistance .14.3.11 Tissue repairing .14.4 Conclusions .References .Index

  • ISBN: 978-1-118-88326-6
  • Editorial: Wiley–Blackwell
  • Encuadernacion: Cartoné
  • Páginas: 408
  • Fecha Publicación: 16/12/2016
  • Nº Volúmenes: 1
  • Idioma: Inglés