From its beginnings as a trading organization the European Union (EU) has become an immensely important actor in the international system. This collection distils the very best writings, both classic and contemporary, in the field ofits international relations across a range of policy fields. The selected articles and chapters reflect the breadth of the EU’s activities in the world, including its economic and security relationships, as well as its unique status in the academic study of international relations. Volume One: History and Theory Volume Two: International Political Economy Volume Three: Foreign, Securityand Defence Policy Volume Four: Key Relationships INDICE: PART 1: HISTORY AND THEORY A: History: European Integration, the Changing World Arena And The EC//EU as an International Actor International Integration: The European and the universal Obstinate or Obsolete? The Fate of the Nation State and the Case of Western Europe - Ernst Haas Europe's Role in World Peace - Stanley Hoffmann European Political Cooperation: Procedure as a substitute for policy - Francois Duchene The Exercise of International Civil Power: A framework for analysis - William Wallace and David Allen Civilian Power Europe: A contradiction in terms - Gunnar Sjostedt The European Defense Community the European Political Community and the ECSC Loan - Hedley Bull The European Union: A new type of international actor - Pascaline Winand B: Theory: Perspectives on European Integration and International Relations - Richard Rosecrance Western Europe's Presence in the Contemporary International Arena The European Union and a Changing Europe: Establishing the boundaries of order - David Allen and Michael Smith European Security Identities - Michael Smith Conceptualising The European Union as an International Actor: Narrowing the capabilities-expectations gap - Ole Waever, The European Challenge to Foreign Policy Analysis - Roy Ginsberg Europe: Regional laboratory for a global polity? - BrianWhite Normative Power Europe: A contradiction in terms? - Knud Erik JA rgensen And Ben Rosamond Toward a Theory of EU Foreign Policy-Making: Multilevel governance, domestic politics and national adaptation to Europe's common foreign and security policy - Ian Manners ESDP and The Structure of World Power - Michael E. Smith Normative Dynamics and Strategic Interests in the EU's External Identity - Barry Posen Beyond the Civilian Power EU Debate - Richard Youngs Conceptualising the EU Model of Governance in World Politics - Karen Smith PART 2: INTERNATIONAL POLITICAL ECONOMY - Ben Rosamond A: European Integration and The Changing World Economy 1992: Recasting the European bargain The Adaptation of European Foreign Economic Policy: From Rome to Seattle - Wayne Sandholtz and John Zysman, B: Trade and Commercial Policy - Alasdair Young The European Acquis and Multilateral Trade Rules: Are they compatible? What Happened to Fortress Europe? External trade policy liberalization in the European Union - Stephen Woolcock "Issue-Systems", "Multi-Level Games" and the Analysis of the EU's External Commercial and Associated Policies: A research agenda - Brian Hanson Who Speaks for Europe? The delegation of trade authority in the EU - Sarah Collinson The 1999 Cap Reform, the Uruguay Round and the Commission: Contextualising linked policy games - Sophie Meunier and Kalypso Nicolaidis C: International Monetary Policy - W. Coleman and S. Tangermann The EMU and International Monetary Relations: What to expect for international actors? Monetary Sovereignty over the Euro and External Relations of the Euro Area: Competence, procedures and practice - Madeleine Hosli Between National Sovereignty and International Power: What external voice for the Euro? - Christoph Herrmann Europe, the United States, and Neo-Liberal (Dis)Order: Is there a coming crisis of the Euro?- Katherine Mcnamara and Sophie Meunier D: Aid and Development Policy - Alan W. Cafruny The Community and Developing Countries: Associates and outsiders The Future of Lome: Europe's Role in Africa's Growth - John Pinder The European Union's Relations with the South: A commitment to development? - Paul Collier,Patrick Guillaumont, Sylviane Guillaumont and Jan Willlem Gunning Lome and Post-Lome: Asymmetric Negotiations and the Impact of Norms - Olufemi Babarinde Resisting Reform or Risking Revival? Renegotiating the Lome Convention - Ole Elgstrom E: The Changing Agenda: Environment, competition, technology, investment - Martin Holland The European Union as an Actor in International Environmental Politics Building an International Identity: The EU and Extraterritorial Competition Policy - John Vogler No More Euro-Champions? The Interaction of EU Industrial and Trade Policies - Chad Damro PART 3: EU FOREIGN, SECURITY AND DEFENCE POLICY - Stephen Mcguire A: CFSP and Defence since 1990: Institutions andpolicy-making EC: Confidence lost The Capability-Expectations Gap, or Conceptualising Europe's International Role - Michael Brenner Two Decades of EPC Performance - Christopher Hill Beyond the EU//NATO Dichotomy: The beginnings of a European strategic culture - Simon Nuttall European Defence and the Changing Politics of the European Union: Hanging together or hanging separately? - Paul Cornish and Geoffrey Edwards The New CFSP and ESDP Decision-Making System of the European Union - Jolyon Howorth The European Union as a Diplomatic Actor: Internal, traditional and structural diplomacy - Gisela Muller-Brandeck-BocquetB: Foreign, Security Policy and Defence in Action - Stephan Keukeleire Europe's Uncommon Foreign Policy The European Union as an International Actor: The issues of flexibility and linkage - Philip Gordon Europe's Strategic Ambitions:The limits of ambiguity - Marise Cremona From Crisis to Catharsis: ESDP afterIraq - Francois Heisbourg The European Security Strategy: An evolutionary history - Anand Menon C: The External Politics of Internal Security - Alyson Bailes Wearing it Inside Out: European police cooperation between internal and external security The European Union and the Securitisation of Migration - MonicaDen Boer The External Dimension of Europeanization: The case of immigration policies - Jef Huysmans The European Union as an International Actor in the Domain of Justice and Home Affairs - Sandra Lavenex and Emek Ucarer D: The Changing Agenda of Foreign and Security Policy: Conflict Prevention, Crisis Management, Human Rights - Joerg Monar The EU's Capacity for Conflict Prevention The EU and Crisis Management: Development and Prospects - Christopher Hill Speakingwith One Voice? European Union coordination on human rights issues at the United Nations - Simon Duke PART 4: THE EU IN THE WORLD ARENA: KEY RELATIONSHIPS - Karen E. Smith A: Transatlantic Relations Power and Weakness: Why the UnitedStates and Europe see the world differently America as a European Power: The end of empire by integration? - Robert Kagan, Contending Cultures of Counter-Terrorism: Transatlantic divergence or convergence? - John Peterson The New Transatlantic Agenda at Ten: Reflections on an experiment in international governance - Wyn Rees and Richard Aldrich, B: The Expanding Europe and its Neighbours - Mark Pollack Europe and the Middle East: Power by stealth? The European Union and Turkey - Rosemary Hollis A Wider Europe: The view from Moscow and Kyiv- Barry Buzan and Thomas Diez Eastern Enlargement: Risk, Rationality and rolecompliance - Margot Light, Stephen White and John Lowenhardt, The EU and Common Strategies: The revealing case of the Mediterranean - Ulrich Sedelmeier WhyExpand? The Question of Legitimacy and Justification in yhe European Union's Enlargement Policy - Claire Spencer The Geopolitical Implications of the European Neighbourhood Policy - Helene Sjursen D: Asia, Africa and Latin America - Roberto Aliboni Japan and the European Union: Reluctant Partners Evaluating the EU-Asem Relationship: A negotiated order approach - Simon Nuttall The EU andChina - Anthony Forster Perspectives for a New Regionalism: Relations betweenthe EU and the Mercosur - Richard Youngs Promoting Democracy, Preventing Conflict: The European Union and Africa - Gisela M ller-Brandeck-Bocquet
- ISBN: 978-1-4129-4753-4
- Editorial: Sage
- Encuadernacion: Cartoné
- Páginas: 1664
- Fecha Publicación: 01/07/2008
- Nº Volúmenes: 4
- Idioma: Inglés