(9379 resultados)
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155,95€(IVA inc.)
Trends in colloid and interface science XVII
- Cabuil, Valérie
- 978-3-642-05750-2
- 2012-03-31
166,35€(IVA inc.)
Statistical, gradient and segmented copolymers bycontrolled/living radical polymerizations
- Davis, Kelly A.
- 978-3-642-07752-4
- 2012-03-31
227,76€(IVA inc.)
Wafer bonding: applications and technology
- Alexe, Marin
- 978-3-642-05915-5
- 2012-03-31
100,83€(IVA inc.)
Piezoelectric sensorics: force, strain, pressure, acceleration and acoustic emission sensors, materials and amplifiers
- Gautschi, Gustav
- 978-3-642-07600-8
- 2012-03-31
273,52€(IVA inc.)
Eugene Paul Wigner - a biographical sketch. Applied group theory 1926-1935. The mathematical papers pt. 1, 2, 3
- Judd, B.R.
- 978-3-642-08154-5
- 2012-03-31
72,75€(IVA inc.)
Scanning probe microscopy: the lab on a tip
- Meyer, Ernst
- 978-3-642-07737-1
- 2012-03-31
187,15€(IVA inc.)
Quantum communication, computing, and measurement3
- Tombesi, Paolo
- 978-1-4419-3364-5
- 2012-03-31