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15,66€(IVA inc.)
The ADD/ADHD checklist: a practical reference for parents and teachers
- Rief, Sandra F.
- 978-0-470-18970-2
- 2008-10-17
30,93€(IVA inc.)
Leadership in english language education: theoretical foundations and practical skills for changing times
- Christison, Mary Ann
- 978-0-8058-6311-6
- 2008-10-17
95,00€(IVA inc.)
Diccionario politécnico de las lenguas española e inglesa: = Polytechnic dictionary of spanish and english languages v. 1 Inglés-español = english-spanish
- Beigbeder Atienza, Federico
- 978-84-7978-870-4
- 2008-10-10
35,25€(IVA inc.)
The gender gap in college: maximizing the developmental potential of women and men
- Sax, Linda J.
- 978-0-7879-6575-4
- 2008-10-10
39,11€(IVA inc.)
Solve discipline and classroom management
- Wolfgang, Charles H.
- 978-0-470-12910-4
- 2008-10-10
18,00€(IVA inc.)
Bajo presión: cómo educar a nuestros hijos en un mundo hiperexigente
- Honoré, Carl
- 978-84-9867-343-2
- 2008-10-09
40,48€(IVA inc.)
Developing object concepts in infancy: an associative learning perspective
- Rakison, David H.
- 978-1-4051-8766-4
- 2008-10-03
18,00€(IVA inc.)
Didactic approaches for teachers of english in an internacional context
- Sánchez-Reyes Peñamaría, Sonsoles
- 978-84-7800-316-7
- 2008-10-01
18,00€(IVA inc.)
X Simposio Internacional de Informática Educativa SIIE'’08
- Velásquez Iturbide, J. Ángel
- 978-84-7800-312-9
- 2008-10-01