INDICE: Preface1 Conflicts in Construction1.1 Recent history1.2 Understandingconflict1.3 Addressing conflict1.4 Positive aspects of a conflict1.5 The realcauses of conflict2 Why do we need to manage conflict?2.1 Functional conflict2.2 Dysfunctional conflict3 Causes of conflict3.1 A conflict of ideas3.2 A conflict of beliefs3.3 A conflict of interests3.4 Internal conflict3.5 Internal conflict in construction4 Dishonesty and self deception4.1 Plain Dishonesty4.2 Self delusion4.3 Cognitive dissonance4.4 Confirmative bias5 Interpersonal relationships5.1 Anthropological factors5.2 Sociological factors5.3 Physiological factors5.4 Psychological factors5.5 Prejudice5.6 Personality types5.7 Urge to conflict6 Anatomy of a construction project6.1 Overview of the Project and theParties6.2 The pre-contract period6.3 The contract period6.4 The dispute period6.5 Summary and analysis of the dispute7 Twelve steps for reducing conflict8Reducing conflict8.1 People, people, people8.2 Interpersonal techniques8.3 Perceptions and personalities8.4 Tactical behaviour8.5 Summary9 Managing conflicts9.1 Simple resolution techniques9.2 Control of conflict9.3 Conflict prevention9.4 Prevent conflict from spreading9.5 Call the professionals9.6 Summary10 Informal Resolution methods10.1 Negotiation10.2 ADR, Alternative Dispute Resolution11 Formal Dispute Resolution11.1 General principles of dispute management11.2 Arbitration and litigation11.3 Arbitration explained11.4 Litigation explained12 Conflict in changing and challenging markets12.1 Will people change?12.2Will contracts change?12.3 Does Europe have anything better to offer?12.4 Conflict in changing market conditions12.5 More conflict or less conflict you decide!
- ISBN: 978-1-118-29870-1
- Editorial: John Wiley & Sons
- Encuadernacion: Rústica
- Páginas: 152
- Fecha Publicación: 24/08/2012
- Nº Volúmenes: 1
- Idioma: Inglés