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(1422 resultados)
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60,84€(IVA inc.)
Organizational behavior improving, performance and commitment in the workplace
- Colquit, Jason
- 978-0-07-128776-0
- 2010-05-01
11,00€(IVA inc.)
La comunicación interna en las organizaciones 2.0
- Bustínduy, Iñaki
- 978-84-9788-885-1
- 2010-05-01
24,80€(IVA inc.)
Leading outside the lines: how to mobilize the informal organization, energize your team, and get better results
- Katzenbach, Jon R.
- 978-0-470-58902-1
- 2010-04-30
18,95€(IVA inc.)
Guía práctica para mejorar un plan de negocio
- Muñiz, Luis
- 978-84-96998-33-9
- 2010-04-27
55,32€(IVA inc.)
Managing electronic media: making, marketing, and moving digital content
- Tassel, Joan van
- 978-0-240-81020-1
- 2010-04-26
23,49€(IVA inc.)
How to hire a-players: finding the top people for your team- even if you don't have a recruiting department
- Herrenkohl, Eric
- 978-0-470-56224-6
- 2010-04-21
16,96€(IVA inc.)
Austerity business: 39 tips for doing more with less
- Pratt, Alex
- 978-0-470-68872-4
- 2010-04-16